
Firm registration in Slovenia

Firm registration in Slovenia – starting a business

Firm registration in Slovenia offers various options for each, regardless of the fact if you are or if you are not EU citizen. Anyone can register a company in Slovenia and perform a business here and in EU. In the following text we will present various option for firm registration in Slovenia, which you can register with the support [...]

How to expand business to Slovenia?

How to expand business to Slovenia, Europe?

If you have an existing business in your country – you can expand business to Slovenia at any time. All you have to do is to register – either a branch office in Slovenia or a legal entity form LTD company, which is established by another legal entity from abroad. Way to expand business to Slovenia – opening LTD company Choosing [...]

Registration of branch company in Slovenia

Branch company in Slovenia (RS-EU)

Branch company can be established by foreign legal entity in Slovenia. By Slovenian legislation, branch company is not a legal entity. It also does not require a founding capital. Meaning that it is not sovereign legal entity. Branch company can carry out only the business that is performed by the parent company. Procedure of registration of branch company of foreign [...]

Business formation in Slovenia, EU

Business formation in Slovenia – starting up!

Business formation or building up your business from the ground in EU will be easy through Slovenia. Our company will support you and provide with all the necessary information. We have legal advisors who will help you, so that business formation in Slovenia starts smooth and legally right. Business formation in Slovenia – what do you need? The only documents that [...]

Register business name and start your own business in Europe

Register business name and start your own business in Europe

Register business name in Slovenia To register business name before starting your business is a very important step. If you already have choosen a name for your company and want to register business name, we can check if it is still available. The procedure can be done at our “One-Stop Shop” and it is free of charge. Our referent Will [...]

Blue card EU in Slovenia

Blue card EU in Slovenia – what are the conditions?

The Blue card EU in Slovenia is a special permit for living and working in the Republic of Slovenia for foreign citizens (citizens of non-EU member states), who are highly qualified specialists. With Blue card EU you will obtain work and residence permit in Slovenia. Who can receive the Blue card EU in Slovenia? Firstly, you have to know, if you [...]

Hostel business in Slovenia, Europe

Hostel in Slovenia, Europe – business idea

Hostel in Slovenia, Europe – business idea Are you dreaming about opening your own hostel? If you are still at the early stage of planning and getting ideas, keep reading this article. Slovenia is a small country in the Middle Europe, perfect place to open a hostel. They say that Slovenia is a hidden gem. It is tiny, but it has [...]

Setting up a company in Europe

Setting up a company in Europe

Setting up a company in Slovenia, Europe Setting up a company in Europe can be a great opportunity for any entrepreneur. It represents a simpler way to run a business across more than one European country. Setting up a company in Europe is very easy and fast. The procedure can be done within a day. If you already have a business, [...]

Slovenia EU business

Slovenia EU business – company registration, virtual Office, visa

Slovenia EU business Are you interested in investing in Slovenia, EU? Do you want to start your business journey in Europe? A tiny country of Slovenia can offer a lot to entrepreneurs. Read why many choose Slovenia to start their business in Europe. Slovenia EU business – do you need help? Our private company Data d.o.o. with over 45 experienced employees is [...]

Rent a property in Slovenia, Europe - business idea

Rent a property in Slovenia, Europe – business idea

Rent a property in Slovenia, Europe Are you searching for a good business idea in Europe? To sell and rent a property in Slovenia is one of the easiest and most ubiquitious way to start a business. To lease a real estate in Slovenia is also a way of recieving a stable montly income. Rent a property in Slovenia – first step If you [...]