Tag - open a branch office in Slovenia

Number of shareholders

Number of shareholders in a company

Number of shareholders in a company – how many members can there be? Number of shareholders in a Slovenian company is one of the most common questions heard by our advisors. If 50 euros is the minimum capital contribution of one shareholder and the minimum share capital for the establishment of a company is € 7,500, then we can [...]

Branch or subsidiary

Branch or subsidiary – which option to choose?

Branch or subsidiary? This is a common question for business owners. Specifically for those, who want to expand their business from abroad. If you are a business owner, thinking of expanding your business to the EU or Slovenia, you will have to decide. Let this article help you understand the difference. It might help you make the decision between [...]

New company or branch in Slovenia / EU?

New company or branch in Slovenia / EU?

New company or branch in Slovenia / EU – the choice is yours New company or branch in Slovenia is a dilemma for every entrepreneur. If you are thinking about starting your business in Slovenia and are faced with the question of what pays off more, we have the answers for you. Read this article and find out more! Do you [...]

How to grow and expand your business in Slovenia?

How to grow and expand your business in Slovenia?

How to grow and expand your business in Slovenia and be successful? How to grow and expand your business in Slovenia is a frequent question asked by entrepreneurs. Therefore, do not wait and expand your business in Slovenia! If you already have your own business and you would like to develop an existing business in the region, then DATA d.o.o. [...]

Open a Slovenian branch

Open a Slovenian branch – expand your business

Open a Slovenian branch to expand your business. Do you want to start a business in Slovenia? We will explain what a branch is. Is it better than a subsidiary? What are the differences? Read more if you want to expand your business to Slovenia. You can do it here at Data. What will you need? Expand your business – [...]

Business immigration to Slovenia – open a company

Business immigration to Slovenia – open a company

Have you been wondering what is the best way to do business immigration to Slovenia, EU? A lot of foreign entrepreneurs that are thinking about expanding their business or opening a new company, are considering this idea. Let us explain why is so and what are the benefits. Investment and business immigration to Slovenia – one of the conditions What is [...]

Exports and imports of goods in 2021 increased significantly!

Exports and imports of goods in 2021 increased significantly!

Exports and imports of goods in 2021 in Slovenia grew sharply  Exports and imports of goods in 2021 increased significantly. At 39.4 billion euros, exports from Slovenia were almost 20 percent higher than in 2020. Imports amounted to 42 billion euros, which means that they increased by almost 31 percent. This means that the trade deficit (exports and imports) amounted [...]

 Set up a company easily with us at Data!

Set up a company easily with us at Data!

Set up a company easily with us at Data in just few steps! Set up a company easily with us at Data – fast and efficiently. Have you always considered starting your own business? And you’re not quite sure how to do that? Don’t worry! That is why we are here for you! We are a company that has been [...]

New company in Slovenia and fresh start in year 2022!

New company in Slovenia and fresh start in year 2022!

Company in Slovenia and fresh start Company in Slovenia can open every natural person, EU or non EU citizen. With company in Slovenia you can actively start doing business right after the company registration. It is also the fastest and easiest way to obtain work and residence permit. Through business is also possible to reunite family members. The most common [...]

Business unit or branch office in Slovenia EU comparison

Business unit or branch office in Slovenia/EU: comparison

Business unit or branch office in Slovenia/EU Business unit or branch office in Slovenia is a great way to expand your business to Europe. In Slovenia, a business unit is entered in a register in AJPES. On the other hand, the court decides on the registration of the branch office. In this article, we present the differences between a business [...]
