Tag - company registration in Slovenia

start a company Slovenia

How long does it take to start a company Slovenia?

One of the most frequently asked questions we receive is how long does it take to start a company in Slovenia? In other words, how long does it take to open a new business in Slovenia? The time frame depends on the type of company. As well as the cooperation and responsiveness of clients, of course. Want to learn [...]


Advantages of opening LTD company in Slovenia

 Advantages of opening and growing LTD company Advantages of opening ltd company are many. However, in this article we will focus on explaining most important ones. So, what it takes to expand a business? How much time and expenses? Once a small idea becomes a big business plan, how do you begin a business? How to develop is the first [...]


Name reservation for your firm – what is it, why is this useful?

Company name reservation means the verification of the name of the company by the shareholder of the company. This happens during the preparation for the registration of the LTD company before one uses it during the registration. If the Court of Registration approves your planned company name, then you can avoid potential issues in the registration. Do you want [...]

types of company

Types of company – which types you can open in Slovenia?

Which types of company to open? Which one is the best fit for your business? Types of company that you can open at our DATA point are sole proprietor (s.p.) and LTD (d.o.o.). We can also help you with opening branch office. But before you open business in Slovenia is good to get some information! And we in DATA can [...]

A company without

A company without employees – how to register it?

Some of you ask how to register a company without employees? Founders of companies have businesses in their own country and want to expand in other EU countries. They are employed full-time in their own companies. And they don’t want to pay contributions in two places. Are you one of them? Then you probably want to know how to [...]

Advantages to open a company in Slovenia

Advantages to open a company in Slovenia

Have you been wondering what are the advantages to open a company in Slovenia. The advantage is that Slovenia is located in central Europe next to important countries such as Austria, Italy and Hungary. Since 2004, Slovenia has been a member of the European Union. Also since 2007 it has become part of the Schengen zone. Do you want [...]

conditions to open

Conditions to open Ltd – who can, and who can’t open one?

Are you an entrepreneur and you want to know the conditions to open Ltd? You are in the right place. In general, the conditions to open a limited liability company relate to certain legal restrictions on the appointment of partners and representatives. Also, what are the conditions to open Ltd at a DATA point? Let’s explore! If you want [...]

Business migration to Slovenia

Business migration to Slovenia through investment

If you want to open a new company, business migration to Slovenia through investment is a great idea! You are probably often asking yourself how to make a new move? What are the steps? Is it possible to register a company in totaly new country ? The answer is yes. Small and medium companies represent 99.8% of all companies [...]

minimum level of education

Minimum level of education to start a business in Slovenia

Minimum level of education to start a business is not a precondition to start a business What is the minimum level of education to start a business? For which businesses it is a precondition? These are the two main questions we will try to answer in this article. In essence, you need minimum level of education to open craft activities from [...]

regulated activities

Regulated activities – do you meet the conditions?

Regulated activities – what are those? For these activities company must meet some conditions. What are these conditions? Which are these activities? Want to open a company in Slovenia? Are you new in business? Or you are planning to expand your business? Then you are on right place! Do you want to know more? What documents you will need [...]
