Living in Slovenia

Fixed assets within the company

Fixed assets within the company – how to invest in them?

Are you opening a company in Slovenia? And you plan to invest? Then invest into fixed assets within the company! This is one of the ways for non-EU citizens to obtain residency and work permit. So, does this interests you? Then start a business in Slovenia! Contact us on +386 40 530 718 (Viber/WhatsApp). Or you can also send [...]

minimum wage 2025

Minimum wage 2025 in Slovenia – open company

Minimum wage 2025 in Slovenia has increased in comparison to last year. This is also important information for all businesspeople who wants to open company in Slovenia and employ workers. Do you also want to start business in Slovenia? Then call us on +386 40 530 718 (Viber/WhatsApp). Or you can write us an email at [email protected]! Start your own business in Slovenia now! So, how [...]

Difference between LTD and SP

Difference between LTD and SP in Slovenia

Difference between LTD and SP in Slovenia is the first question our clients have. Limited Liability Company (LTD) and Sole Proprietorship (SP) are two most common types of company. However, which one is the right choice for you? What is the main difference between them? Find our more in this article. If you want to start business in Slovenia, [...]

Company headquarters

Company headquarters – where it will be? Virtual office?

What options are there for company headquarters? Where will company headquarters will be? This is one of the questions entrepreneurs ask themselves before registering company. And there are actually more options. But of course entrepreneur need to consider where he wants to receive his business mail. Company headquartes can be anywhere. But what if entrepreneur is not owner of the [...]

Renting property

Renting property in Slovenia as a business activity

Do you plan to invest in real estate in Europe? Owning real estate is always a good investment option, especially in the current economic climate where there is more demand than there is available property. If you want to transform ownership of a property into business, you can open a company in Slovenia and purchase the property through the [...]

types of company

Types of company – which types you can open in Slovenia?

Which types of company to open? Which one is the best fit for your business? Types of company that you can open at our DATA point are sole proprietor (s.p.) and LTD (d.o.o.). We can also help you with opening branch office. But before you open business in Slovenia is good to get some information! And we in DATA can [...]

holidays in slovenia 2025

Holidays in Slovenia 2025 – important info for entrepreneurs

Holidays in Slovenia 2025 will bring us 10 days off, which will be distributed throughout the week. This means that these holidays will not fall on the weekend. How will holidays be arranged in Slovenia in 2025? This is also important information if you are planning to open a company in Slovenia. It is also very important for you [...]

craft activity

Craft activity – start your business in Slovenia!

Craft activity is a business activity that may have specific requirements. Are you choosing the right one for you? You might need a permit or licence. Furthermore, we will explain what craft activities are. Where can you get the right education? What else do you need? You can ask our business consultants all of that. They are experts and [...]

residential property

Residential property as a business opportunity in Slovenia, EU

Residential property can be business opportunity in Slovenia. Did you plan to invest in real estate in Slovenia? For the purpose of long-term? Or maybe short-term rent? Then you can buy residential property This is possible after company registration. The process of company establishment in Slovenia is simple. Also, it gives you a good possibility for return on investment [...]


Founding capital for Ltd company – how much is it?

Initial investment depends on the type of company you want to open. In case you are opening a sole proprietorship, you won’t need one. Even the process of company registration at DATA point is free! However, if you are opening a limited liability company, an initial investment is required. Same goes for opening subsidiaries. But don’t forget, you should [...]