Tag - sp

Difference between LTD and SP

Difference between LTD and SP in Slovenia

Difference between LTD and SP in Slovenia is the first question our clients have. Limited Liability Company (LTD) and Sole Proprietorship (SP) are two most common types of company. However, which one is the right choice for you? What is the main difference between them? Find our more in this article. If you want to start business in Slovenia, [...]

minimum operating time

Minimum operating time of the business – is it defined?

Minimum operating time of the business is not defined. Entrepreneurs often ask our consultants about it. There is no law, defining a minimum operating time. In other words, you can close a business at any time. The process is easier in case of an s.p. If you have an LTD company, you have to visit a notary. By the [...]