Tag - company in Slovenia

Difference between LTD and SP

Difference between LTD and SP in Slovenia

Difference between LTD and SP in Slovenia is the first question our clients have. Limited Liability Company (LTD) and Sole Proprietorship (SP) are two most common types of company. However, which one is the right choice for you? What is the main difference between them? Find our more in this article. If you want to start business in Slovenia, [...]

Registration of an Ltd

Registration of an Ltd in Slovenia – basic steps and conditions

Are you considering business immigration to Slovenia, EU, and you want to know more about registration of an Ltd in Slovenia? Then, you are in the right place. In essence, registration of an Ltd is very easy if you do it at our DATA point. In fact, we only need your cooperation. Our legal experts do the rest of [...]

Start a company in Slovenia

Start a company in Slovenia with Data

Start a company in Slovenia! All you need is here at Data. Firstly, we will explain the registration process. Move to this beautiful country. Slovenia has an ideal position in the EU area. Do you need more information? Contact us then! You call us on Viber or WhatsApp: +386 40 530 718. You can also write us an email [...]

Registering LTD company

Registering LTD company – how you can register it?

Registering LTD company is simple. You can go through the process of registration at our DATA point. With good preparation registering LTD company is easy and fast! Would you also like to open a company in Slovenia? Then call us on +386 40 530 718 (Viber/WhatsApp) for more information! We will explain to you how to start your business in [...]

Transportation services in Slovenia - changes of legislation

Transportation services in Slovenia – changes of legislation

There have been some changes in the legislation for companies in Slovenia offering transport services. Certain segments of the new legislation will come into force on 23rd November 2019 because the parliament accepted the amendment of the Road Transport Act (ZPCP-2G). These changes will affect the companies doing business in Slovenia connected to transportation services.Are you considering company registration [...]

Engage in international business with a company in Slovenia

Engage in international business with a company in Slovenia

When doing business in Europe, entrepreneurs do not tend to bound themselves to just one country. They also think about the future and about expanding their services or products abroad. Europe is a target market for many foreign entrepreneurs because it offers a multicultural environment and also a diverse and stable market where many products and services are needed. [...]

Minimal salary in Slovenia and other EU countries

Minimal salary in Slovenia and other EU countries

Recently, we have written about the changes in the minimal wage in Slovenia. But we have received several inquiries as to how this salary compares to other EU countries. Therefore, to help you make the decision about starting your business in Slovenia easier, we have gathered the information in the summary table below. Minimal salary in Slovenia When opening a company [...]

Official holidays and non-working days in Slovenia in 2019

Official holidays and non-working days in Slovenia in 2019

When doing business in a country, it is good to be informed when that country has its official holidays. Mostly those days are also non-working days where the majority of companies and public institutions do not have business hours. Official holidays and non-working days in Slovenia in 2019 – Non-working days When doing business in Slovenia, you have to know which [...]

Penalty for undeclared labor can add up to 26.000 EUR

Penalty for undeclared labor can add up to 26.000 EUR

Penalty for undeclared work is a reality also in these holiday months. The inspectors of the Financial administration are doing inspections on-site, which a Slovenian transportation company was also unfortunate to realize. What can happen, if an inspector discovers a person, who is does not work in that company? Penalty for undeclared labor – an example from practice An officer of [...]