Business address in Slovenia

We offer our virtual office services with business address in Slovenia to foreign entrepreneurs. Our office is located near the main roads in the capital of Slovenia, on Dunajska cesta 136 in Ljubljana. In fact, this is one of the most desirable and renowned business locations in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Start your business migration now!

Entrepreneurs can decide to use our address as their new company address and related services. It is important, that our modern business building has an adjacent parking lot. If you choose our address, we will offer you full virtual office services. We will inform you about your mail, forward it to your e-mail address or any other chosen address. As well, we will perform other agreed  services of virtual office.

How to a get a business address in Slovenia?

If you want to register a company in Slovenia, you would certainly need to present a business address in Slovenia. This is the address where your company would be registered at. As we understand that especially for a foreigner it is difficult to buy or rent an office space straight away, which is why we offer the possibility to register the company’s business address at our address. As we mentioned before, this is on Dunajska cesta 136, 1000 Ljubljana. However, we offer the address to clients of our accountancy services.

Should you decide for this option, we would prepare the certified statement of the owner of the business address and allow you to register your company’s address to our address. In addition, this service also includes that we would be authorised to receive your post and keep it safely at our premises until you would pick it up personally. We would also inform you about the received post by e-mail or send it to you by post on the address of your choosing.

Business address to simplify your business migration

When you will enter the foreign market and starting a business in Europe, we will help you to remove the obstacles that you will face in your business. Consequently, we know that setting up a business address and virtual office can substantially reduce costs. They could be much bigger if you rent or buy business premises. Because we promised you all the support on one place while doing business abroad, we will provide you the best possible experience with virtual office as well.

Full back-office support at one place!

Do not forget, that we offer all in one place as well:

Start your business migration now!