Author - Data Tržniki

Conditions for company registration

Conditions for company registration in Slovenia

The conditions for company registration are defined by the Companies Act (ZGD-1). What is that? What conditions you will need to fullfill? Or what about the conditions for registering a company (s.p. or d.o.o.) at the DATA spot? Are there any special conditions? Also what documents you will need? If you have any dilemmas about starting a company, you [...]

Company registration date

Company registration date – can you choose it yourself?

Are you planning to open a company in Slovenia? Do you know when should be the company registration date? Can you choose it yourself? If you want to open an s.p., the date of the opening is determined by the sole proprietor himself during the registration process. How is the opening date of the company if it is an [...]

Headquarters of the company

Headquarters of the company – can virtual office be solution?

Where will company headquarters will be? This is one of the questions entrepreneurs ask themselves before registering company. And there are actually more options. But of course entrepreneur need to consider where he wants to receive his business mail. Company headquartes can be anywhere. But what if entrepreneur is not owner of the facility where the company headquarters will be? [...]

Register a Branch office in Slovenia

Register a Branch office in Slovenia / EU

Register a Branch office in Slovenia – it can be a great way to expand your business to EU if you already have a company. The branch office does not have the status of a separate legal entity, and is strictly connected to the mother company. But the branch can do all operations performed by the mother company. However, if [...]

Growth of companies registered in Slovenia!

Growth of companies registered in Slovenia!

The number of founding companies still indicates strong economic growth. Are you interested in growth of companies and would like to open your own in Slovenia? Recently, the number of new company creations has been more pronounced in certain industries. Which ones? Would you like to find out more? Is your business industry one of them? Find out in [...]

Open your company at DATA point / Slovenia

Open your company at DATA point / Slovenia

Many foreigners decide for company establishment in Slovenia – open your company at DATA point! You can open s.p. or Ltd in Slovenia. Have you thought about expanding your business? Or are you a new entrepreneur starting a company? Does this help you? Do you have a business idea? Let us help you! Find out which type of company is [...]

Open company in Slovenia - why it's the best option!

Open company in Slovenia – why it’s the best option!

Are you thinking about expanding your business and you want to open a company in Slovenia? Do you know why Slovenia is one of the best option to open a company? Are you wondering what the costs and benefits? Today we reveal why Slovenia is so popular and why it’s a better option than other countries in the neighborhood! [...]

Open a company in Slovenia - questions before registration

Open a company in Slovenia – questions before registration

Most potential entrepreneurs firstly ask how to open a company in Slovenia. Certainly, they have a lot of questions. Actually, questions never stop to appear because business activities depend on conditions and factors that often change. Do you want to open a company, but don’t know where? The answer is DATA! Call us on +386 40 530 718 (Viber/WhatsApp) to [...]

Business activities in 2023 in Slovenia - open a company

Business activities in 2023 in Slovenia – open a company

Business activities in 2023 in Slovenia – do you know which will be most atractive? Are you thinking to expand your business to Slovenia? Open a company maybe? In addition to employ foreign citizens? Also, do you know what are the first steps you should do? How about you contact DATA company and get all the answers? We are [...]