Tag - open company in eu

Most popular company types

Most popular company types in Slovenia

Most popular company types in Slovenia are LTD and SP. Limited liability company (LTD) and sole proprietorship. However, if you are a foreigner, looking to expand your business to Slovenia, you might find other types more suitable. In this article we will explain the differences between two most popular company types in Slovenia. Additionally we will present options for [...]

Branch or subsidiary

Branch or subsidiary – which option to choose?

Branch or subsidiary? This is a common question for business owners. Specifically for those, who want to expand their business from abroad. If you are a business owner, thinking of expanding your business to the EU or Slovenia, you will have to decide. Let this article help you understand the difference. It might help you make the decision between [...]

labor cost per hour

Labor cost per hour – Slovenia is below the European average

Labor cost per hour in Slovenia are below the European average. How much is the cost? Where is it the lowest? Where is it the highest? Thinking of starting a business in Slovenia? Keep reading. You fill find out what will be labor costs.  Register your company in Slovenia What is labor cost per hour in Slovenia Let’s look at the study Eurostat published. [...]
