Most popular company types in Slovenia

Most popular company types

Most popular company types in Slovenia are LTD and SP. Limited liability company (LTD) and sole proprietorship. However, if you are a foreigner, looking to expand your business to Slovenia, you might find other types more suitable. In this article we will explain the differences between two most popular company types in Slovenia. Additionally we will present options for business expansion. Find the best option for you! Start your business move to Slovenia today. For more questions you can contact us on [email protected]. We also take Viber/WhatsApp calls on: +386 40 530 718. Don’t hesitate to contact us!

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Most popular company types for individuals

When opening a business in Slovenia, people often choose between SP and LTD. Sole proprietorship is a good choice for individuals. They can choose to pay normalized expenses. Another financial advantage is the founding capital. Or lack of it. Sole traders do not have to make this initial investment. They can start working straight away. The second one of the most popular company types is LLC. When establishing an LTD, on the other hand, founding capital is required. The minimal founding capital is €7,500. Let’s look at avantages of LTD. The shareholders are not responsible with their personal assets. Only with the company’s money. And in case there are several shareholders, the founding capital is divided between all of them.

Read more about immigration to Slovenia

Opening a company in Slovenia as a foreigner

Anyone can open a company in Slovenia. However, it might take some time. In case of LTD, not so much. This is also one of most popular company types, because it can be opened quickly. What do you need to register a company? Contact us! Call us on +386 40 530 718. Or send us an email at [email protected].

Learn more about opening a business in Slovenia

On the other hand, if you want to open an SP it might take more time. Not the process itself, but the wait before that. To explain: non-EU citizens have to reside in Slovenia for a year before opening an SP. So even though SP is one of the most popular company types for Slovenians, non-EU citizens rather choose LLC. However, if you are from the EU, opening an SP will be easier. Book a consultation with our business experts. They will help you choose the right company type for your business. After that, you can register at a DATA point.

Call us on +386 40 530 718  (Viber/WhatsApp)

Most popular company types for expansion

Do you already company in another country? Then expand it to Slovenia. You can open a branch or subsidiary. Those are most popular company types for expansion. What is the difference? Both are still connected to the parent company. However, subsidiaries have more independence. A branch office, on the other hand, is closely connected to the parent. It is also not as responsible. No matter which option you choose, we can help you immigrate your business to Slovenia. Call Data’s experts on +386 40 530 718 (Viber/WhatsApp). You can also book a consultation appointment via e-mail: [email protected]. And don’t forget to visit our LinkedIn.

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