Tag - single residence and work permit in Slovenia

to open a company

How to open a company in Slovenia and get work permit

If you are intrerested to open a company in Slovenia, you will find useful information in this article. When you open a company in Slovenia you can access whole EU market. As a representative of a company, you can then apply for the work and residence permit. Start your own business in Slovenia now! Registration of the company in Slovenia with [...]

set up a business in Slovenia

Set up a business in Slovenia and reunite your family

Set up a business in Slovenia and reunite your family Set up a business in Slovenia and achieve your goals. In this way you can also reunite your family. Sounds perfect, right? In this age, setting up a company is much easier than in the past. However, there are still certain rules to be known. Set up a business and [...]

company owner and director in Slovenia

Company owner and director in Slovenia-rights and benefits

Company owner and director in Slovenia – who can you appoint? Company owner and director in Slovenia can be every citizen who wishes to start its business. Can a foreign citizen be an owner or a director of a company in Slovenia? This is one of the most common questions answered by our experts at Data company. Whether a foreigner [...]

Non-eu citizens establishing a business

Non-EU citizens establishing a business in Slovenia

Non-EU citizens establishing a business in Slovenia Non-EU citizens establishing a business in Slovenia … Does this sounds intriguing? Many foreigners visit Ljubljana or other Slovenian cities! And among them there are also those who decide to live and work in Slovenia. Are you considering about growing or starting a business in Slovenia? Then you should call us on :+386 [...]

Determining the name of the company - how hard it is?

Determining the name of the company – how hard it is?

Determining the name of the company – the hardest step in setting up a business? Shareholders usually say that to determining the name of the company is the most difficult part when they open a limited liability company (Ltd). Why is that? First, it is necessary to choose a unique name that represents company in the market and identifies the [...]

Opening a company - non EU citizens in Slovenia

Opening a company – non EU citizens in Slovenia

Opening a company – non EU citizens in Slovenia Opening a company – non EU citizens can be easy and quick. Many foreigners decide to live and work in Slovenia. Are you thinking about starting a business outside of your home country? Then you should think about business expansion in Slovenia. Data provides full help to everyone who want to start [...]

The economic climate in Slovenia looks more optimistic!

The economic climate in Slovenia looks more optimistic!

The economic climate in Slovenia / EU looks more and more optimistic! The economic climate in Slovenia is improving for the fourth month in a row. But some industries are still recovering – which ones? It is measured by SURS and in February 2022 reached 6.8 percentage points. Thus, it was 1.2 percentage points higher on a monthly basis [...]

Construction is in full swing - open a construction company!

Construction is operating fully – open a construction company!

Construction is operating fully – open a construction company in Slovenia! Construction is operating fully and given the investment cycle that is expected in the coming years, there will be a lot of work for builders in the future. Are you thinking of starting a construction company? Are also you in a dilemma whether to start now ? Therefore, our [...]

Basic steps to open a company in Slovenia

Basic steps to open a company in Slovenia

Basic steps to open a company are quick and easy at our DATA office! Basic steps to open a company in Slovenia: Starting a business in Slovenia is an individual decision that requires careful planning and information gathering from the future entrepreneur. If you have a good business idea and are wondering what makes the most sense for you [...]

15% discount on packages to open a company in Slovenia!

15% discount on packages to open a company in Slovenia!

15% discount on packages to open a company in Slovenia! The action lasts until January 26! 15% discount on packages to open a company in Slovenia – do not miss this chance! We offer a 15% discount in January on all business packages to all entrepreneurs who decide to start the process of registering a company in Slovenia. If you [...]