Frequent queries about company registration in Slovenia, EU

Frequent queries about company registration in Slovenia, EU

Starting a business in Europe requires preparation and time. Before you make such an important decision regarding starting a business abroad, you will surely have some queries about how to proceed in a specific country. At Data d.o.o. we have helped local and foreign entrepreneurs to start their business in Slovenia for more than 28 years. In that time, we have gathered valuable experience which we will summarize in this article about frequent queries that foreign entrepreneurs have before opening a company in Slovenia.

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With the support of Data d.o.o., you will never be alone on your business path. We can provide you with professional legal support that can address all your queries about the business legislation of Slovenia. Additionally, we offer accounting services and tax consultation, as well as services of virtual office.

Frequent queries about company registration in Slovenia, EU – are foreigners allowed to open a company in Slovenia?

Some countries have rules that foreigners cannot open companies without the involvement of a local citizen. But not in Slovenia. In Slovenian, even non-EU citizens can register the company without having to split partnership or representation with local citizens.

What kind of company can foreigners establish in Slovenia, EU?

One of the most common queries is the type of company that foreigners can establish in Slovenia. If they want to start fresh, they can establish an LTD company with 7500€ founding capital. But if they have an existing company abroad, they can also open a subsidiary or a branch office.

The founding capital for an LTD company is 7500€. Are you allowed to spend or withdraw the money after company registration?

When registering an LTD company, you would need to deposit 7500€ founding capital. Once the company is officially registered, you can spend this money for business expenses. Those may be: salary, taxes, investment, paying for services to business partners, etc. But according to Slovenian legislation, it is not allowed to withdraw the money from the account. All payments have to occur through bank transfer.

What documents do foreigners provide from their homeland in order to register a company in Slovenia, EU?

The other from our frequent queries is what documents foreigners have to provide when registering a company in Slovenia. LTD registration requires you to present a Slovenian tax number, business address in Slovenia, a valid passport and 7500€ founding capital. You obtain the tax number and business address from Slovenia, so when registering an LTD company, you only need to bring with you your passport and founding capital.

Frequent queries about company registration in Slovenia, EU – what is the difference between representative and shareholder of the company?

Foreigners sometimes also have queries regarding the difference between being a shareholder and a representative in the company. The shareholder, or the owner, is the person who provides the founding capital for the company. That person can be a legal entity or a natural person. While the representative is a person, who has the right to sign official documents and represent the company. It has to be a natural person but it can be a foreigner. The shareholder and the representative can be the same person, or they can be different. You can also have more shareholders and representatives.

Does opening the company in Slovenia, EU, give the representative the right for business immigration to Slovenia?

One of the most asked queries is whether opening a company in Slovenia gives the representative of the company the right for business immigration to Slovenia.

Only opening a company does not give you automatic right to relocate to Slovenia in order to work in your company. If you also want to live in Slovenia, you have to obtain residence permit here. After company registration the company would need to fulfill the conditions of active business conduct in order for the representative to apply for work and residence permit. The conditions are the following:

  • investment into fixed assets in amount of 50 000 EUR
  • or that your company employs one EU citizen for at least 6 months for full-time
  • or company shows turnover for every month for the last 6 months in amount of 10 000 EUR

When the company fulfills one of these conditions, your company obtains the right to employ foreigners. Hence, also the representative can initiate business immigration to Slovenia.

If you have additional queries in regards to company registration in Slovenia, EU, send us an e-mail to You can also contact us over the phone 00386 1 6006 270 or 00386 40 530 718 (Viber, WhatsApp). You can also follow us on Facebook.


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