
Renting property

Renting property in Slovenia as a business activity

Do you plan to invest in real estate in Europe? Owning real estate is always a good investment option, especially in the current economic climate where there is more demand than there is available property. If you want to transform ownership of a property into business, you can open a company in Slovenia and purchase the property through the [...]

Registering a company without employees

Registering a company without employees in Slovenia/EU

Register a company in Slovenia – do you have to be employed as well? Registering a company without employees is possible in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Slovenia. People often ask us if it the company owner has to get employed in the company. This is very important for those who already work somewhere else. In this [...]

The cost of opening a business

The cost of opening a business in Slovenia

The cost of opening a business in Slovenia is one of the main questions our clients have. All in all, opening a business in Slovenia is cheaper than other countries. However, you have to be familiar with expenses. We prepared this article for better understanding. But you can always talk to our business consultants, if you have any concerns. [...]

Most popular company types

Most popular company types in Slovenia

Most popular company types in Slovenia are LTD and SP. Limited liability company (LTD) and sole proprietorship. However, if you are a foreigner, looking to expand your business to Slovenia, you might find other types more suitable. In this article we will explain the differences between two most popular company types in Slovenia. Additionally we will present options for [...]

subsidiary in slovenia

Subsidiary in Slovenia: expand your business to EU!

Subsidiary in Slovenia: expand your business to EU! Subsidiary in Slovenia is a good option for non-EU companies to expand their business to Europe. If you already registered a LTD company in your country, you can open a subsidiary in Slovenia. This company type will give you easy access to the EU market and also make the transfer of goods [...]

Opening a company in EU

Opening a company in EU – choose Slovenia!

Opening a company in EU – choose Slovenia! Are you thinking about expanding your business in European Union? You would like to start a process of opening a company in EU?  You don’t know where to locate your new business? So, in this article, we will explain why Slovenia is ideal for expanding your business in EU. Call us on [...]

documents needed for registration

Documents needed for registration of a company in Slovenia

Documents needed for registration are the first thing you have to take care of when opening a company. Do you want to open a business in Slovenia? Which documents do you need? What else is required for registration? Keep reading to find out. If you have any dilemmas, you can talk to our business consultants. Reach them on Viber, [...]

Number of shareholders

Number of shareholders in a company

Number of shareholders in a company – how many members can there be? Number of shareholders in a Slovenian company is one of the most common questions heard by our advisors. If 50 euros is the minimum capital contribution of one shareholder and the minimum share capital for the establishment of a company is € 7,500, then we can [...]

intended company name

Intended company name – what is it and why is it useful?

Intended company name is a process that a shareholder can do before establishing a company. It helps them check, whether they can use the name of the company or not. It is good to do this before registering a company at a DATA point. Why? Because this way, the shareholder can avoid possible changes in the application. Do you [...]

minimum operating time

Minimum operating time of the business – is it defined?

Minimum operating time of the business is not defined. Entrepreneurs often ask our consultants about it. There is no law, defining a minimum operating time. In other words, you can close a business at any time. The process is easier in case of an s.p. If you have an LTD company, you have to visit a notary. By the [...]
