Author - Polona Gačnik

Registering LTD company

Registering LTD company – how you can register it?

Registering LTD company is simple. You can go through the process of registration at our DATA point. With good preparation registering LTD company is easy and fast! Would you also like to open a company in Slovenia? Then call us on +386 40 530 718 (Viber/WhatsApp) for more information! We will explain to you how to start your business in [...]

labor cost per hour

Labor cost per hour – Slovenia is below the European average

Labor cost per hour in Slovenia are below the European average. How much is the cost? Where is it the lowest? Where is it the highest? Thinking of starting a business in Slovenia? Keep reading. You fill find out what will be labor costs.  Register your company in Slovenia What is labor cost per hour in Slovenia Let’s look at the study Eurostat published. [...]

ownership right to real estate

Ownership right to real estate for foreigners – what is new?

Ownership right to real estate is not something every foreigner can get. At least not in Slovenia. But toghether with DATA you can find a way. Are you a foreigner? Can you buy a property? Given that it is in your interest, this article can help. Obviously not everyone can own real estate. But when can a foreigner own real [...]

starting a business in Slovenia

Starting a business in Slovenia – where to begin?

Starting a business in Slovenia can be done as soon as in 10 days. There are several reasons starting a business in Slovenia might be a good decision for you. Do you already have a company and want to expand? Are you looking for a calm place to live? In brief, Slovenia is a great choice for your business. [...]

registration of data in the tax register

Registration of data in the tax register – how to do it?

Registration of data in the tax register is necessary for all taxpayers. Actually, it is a crucial part of company registration. Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia (FURS) maintains the register. Bur how does registration of data in the tax register work? When do you have to do it? How? Keep reading to find out. Open company in Slovenia [...]

Part-time sole proprietorship

Part-time sole proprietorship – is it an option for foreigners?

Part-time sole proprietorship is often called “afternoon s.p.” in Slovene. Our Data experts often get questions, who can open such a business. Let’s see. Learn more about opening a business in Slovenia What is a part-time sole proprietorship? Before we look at who can open one, let’s explain what a part-time sole proprietorship is. All in all it is a business, where [...]

main company activity

Main company activity – which to choose?

Main company activity is the business activity of a company. However, there can be more than one. How do you choose one? (Or more). You have to choose them when you decide to open company. You can choose them from the SKD 2008. What is this? Find a link below. Which activities are unregulated? Which ones do we call [...]

Amendment to the Aliens Act

Amendment to the Aliens Act – latest changes

A new amendment to the Aliens Act was adopted in the National Assembly. It will make obtaining work and residence permits easier. However, one requirement is staying. The family members of foreign workers have to speak Slovene. They even need a certificate. But what does the amendment change? Read on to find out. Do you want to start a business [...]

minimum cost of living

Minimum cost of living in Slovenia – most recent study

The minimum cost of living data comes from a study, conducted by the Institute for Economic Research (IER). The results are presented in the final analysis. Why is it important to calculate the minimum amount needed for living? What are the long-term and short-term minimum costs? What do they mean in particular? Slovenia is a great country for starting new [...]

real estate prices

Real estate prices in Slovenia – already stabilizing

Real estate prices in Slovenia skyrocketed in 2022. Despite the increase, the market is now stabilizing. Let’s look at real estate prices at the end of 2022. And don’t forget, even foreigners can buy property in Slovenia. The easiest way is by registering company in Slovenia. Do you also need help to register company in Slovenia? Then contact us! [...]
