Tag - accounting

After company registration

After company registration – what to focus on?

After company registration is complete, your business journey begins. Do you know where to find an accountant? How to employ a foreigner? Do you want to send your workers abroad? Despite the company registration being done, Data can still help you! We promise help on every step of the way. Even after company registration. Firstly we will expain the [...]

Support in company registration in Slovenia, EU

Support in company registration in Slovenia, EU

Starting a business in Europe is also possible if you register a company in Slovenia. This will enable you to have a company in an EU country, with access to the whole European market and easy transition, as Slovenia is in the Schengen zone. But starting a business in Slovenia as a foreigner can seem as a difficult task [...]

Obligations of Slovenian companies at the end of the year

Obligations of Slovenian companies at the end of the year

If you have registered a company in Slovenia, you might be aware that you have certain obligations at the end of the year. As this time is already approaching, we have made a checklist for entrepreneurs doing business in Slovenia to better prepare themselves for the end of the year. Are you considering company registration in Slovenia? Call us for more [...]

Business opportunities for foreign entrepreneurs in Slovenia, EU

Business opportunities for foreign entrepreneurs in Slovenia, EU

Business opportunities for foreign entrepreneurs in Slovenia, EU In Slovenia there are a lot of business opportunities for foreigners who want to expand their business or start a new business in European Union. Foreign entrepreneurs can in Slovenia register: LTD company, branch office, subsidiary and after a year of residency in Slovenia you can as well become sole propriator. Business opportunities in [...]

Opening LTD company in Slovenia, Europe

Opening LTD company in Slovenia, Europe

Opening LTD company in Slovenia, Europe Are you interested in opening LTD in Europe? Slovenia is one of the countries in Europe where you can open an LTD even if you are not an EU citizen. What do you need for registration and how long it takes? Read the article and find out! Opening LTD company – what do you need [...]

Business expansion to Europe

Business expansion to Europe – choose Slovenia!

Business expansion to Europe Many entrepreneurs think about business expansion to other locations. If you are one of them, keep reading this article. We will present the country in European Union – Slovenia, which is very popular business destination in the last years. Find out why! Business expansion to Slovenia, European union Is this the first time you hear about Slovenia? Do not [...]

Accounting in Slovenia: accounting service or personal accountant

Accounting in Slovenia: accounting service or personal accountant

Accounting in Slovenia: accounting service or personal accountant – what to choose? All Slovenian companies are required to keep accounts. They have to have their own accounting service in Slovenia that manages accounting records and maintains accounting books but also delivers reports to the tax office (even if they have to report a zero). Once a year they have [...]

Business annual report is Slovenia

Do not forget to submit an annual report!

Entrepreneurs must submit an annual report Entrepreneurs are obliged to submit an annual report. The deadline is in a month. According to the law, all companies are obligated to submit annual reports to AJPES for publication and national statistics. For the latter, should the company, as well as medium and large businesses, submit information to AJPES until the last day [...]
