Author - Polona Gačnik

Doing business in EU with Slovenian company

Doing business in Europe with Slovenian company

Doing business in Europe – why to choose Slovenia? Doing business in Europe with Slovenian company gives foreigners perfect opportunity to start or expand business and obtain residency in Europe. Slovenia is a strategic location for business opportunities in Europe. Its traditional trade with Europe expand with trading links with other continents. How to start doing business in Europe? Most common way [...]

Trade business in Europe with company in Slovenia

Trade business in EU with company in Slovenia

Trade business in European Union Trade business in European Union with company in Slovenia is a great opportunity for foreigners for business and residency in Europe. If you want to do trade business as foreigner without residency, you can open Private Limited Company. If you already have trade business in your own country, you can also establish branch office. For Private [...]

Transport company in Slovenia, Europe for foreigners

Transport company in Slovenia with international licence

Transport company in Slovenia (EU) for foreigners Transport company and activity transportation with vehicles that weight over 3,5 t is one of the most often registered activities in Slovenia. Mostly from foreign entrepreneurs in Slovenia. Therefore the first question is about the process of a registration and about conditions for providing transport services. Company registration procedure in Slovenia As foreign citizen you [...]

Software programming with slovenian company

Software programming with slovenian company

Software programming with company in Slovenia – start your own business Software programming is good business in Slovenia and EU for those who have the skills for developing software packages. If you want to register software programming company in Slovenia, in Data we will help you. Company registration is free of charge in Data. What type of company can you open [...]

Doing business in Slovenia for foreigners

Doing business in Slovenia as a foreigner

Doing business in Slovenia – what are the possibilities for foreigners? Doing business in Europe with company in Slovenia is great opportunity for foreigners. It gives them easy and fast access to EU market without any additional bureaucracy. What type of company can you open for doing business in EU as foreigner? As foreigner and without residency in Slovenia, you can establish [...]

Establishing an export company in Slovenia

Export company in Slovenia for business in EU

Export company in Slovenia – good way to expand your business Export company in  Slovenia provides foreigners easy access for trading with companies in other EU countries. One of the advantages is also oportunity to apply for EU tenders with company in EU. The last but not the least advantage is oportunity to obtain work and residence permit based on [...]

Trading company in Slovenia for business in EU

Trading company in Slovenia for business in EU

Trading company in Slovenia – how to open it if you are foreigner? Trading company in Slovenia is great oportunity for foreigners to do business in EU and get residency. If you want to open trading company in Slovenia as foreigner without residency, you can open private limited company (LTD). If you already have trading company in your own country, you can [...]

How to open European company?

European company – business and residency in EU

European company is great oportunity for business and work and residence permit in EU European company gives you possibility to easiliy operate with your business and at last but not the least to obtain work and residency in EU. There is no better way to do it but with opening company in Slovenia. First step before opening European company Before opening European [...]

Carpet business with registered company in Slovenia, Europe

Carpet business with company in Slovenia – good oportunity!

Carpet business with registered company in EU If you are looking to expand your carpet business in EU,you can do it by opening company in Slovenia. Slovenian company will give you bases to operate with your business in all EU countries. It is also great oportunity to combine business and residency in EU. What type of carpet business can you register [...]

Export spices to European union

Export spices with branch office or company in EU

Export spices to European union is good business idea since growth of ethnic restaurants in Europe If your core business is selling spices, export spices to EU is great business oportunity. There is no better way to do it but with establishing company in Slovenia, one of the kindest countries in EU, business and tax wise. Since rise of popularity [...]