Establish a company in Slovenia with professional legal support

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Establish a company in Slovenia with professional legal support

Are you looking for business opportunities in Europe? Do you want to establish a company or expand your business? If you will choose Slovenia and if you are not familiar with our legislation, we recommend you to find help of a legal advisor. Legal advisor can guide you through the procedure of registering your company and staring your business. In this article we will present you why it is so important to invest in legal support if you decide to establish a company in foreign country.

Establish a company in Slovenia – choose a company formation

Firstly, you will have to choose a company formation that you want to register. As a foreign citizen in Slovenia you can establish:

Legal and tax advisors can help you to choose the right company formation, if you have doubts.

Once you choose a company formation, you have to obtain needed documents for registration. Legal advisor can obtain all the documents in your behalf before your arrival.

Establish a company in Slovenia – obtaining work and residence permit in Slovenia

After you will establish a company, you will have a chance to obtain work and residence permit in Slovenia. There are certain conditions that your company has to meet prior. Therefore it is recommended to consult legal advisor or experts who are dealing with business migration and are familiar with slovenian legislation.

Furthermore, you can bring your family members to Slovenia. Family reunification is possible after one year of your residence in Slovenia. There are also other possibilities, therefore we again suggest you to consult with an expert, who will be able to guide you.

Establish a company in Slovenia – employment

Finally, you will definitely need legal advisor to help you with employment in your company. If you want to obtain work and residence permit, you will have to be employed in your company. Therefore, legal advisor will prepare the employment contract for you that has to be in slovenian language. He will explain you your rights and duties. It is also very important to obtain all the documents that are required before your employment. Legal advisor will warn you and help you with preparing the documents.

If you will decide to employ more persons later, legal and tax advisor will consult you about the procedure, such us enrollment into social security funds.

Establish a company in Slovenia with our help – company Data

Our company Data is offering full support to foreigner citizens who want to establish a company in Slovenia. Our experts can help you with all the steps. At our offices in the capital of Ljubljana you can establish a company. The procedure is free of charge.

Secondly, we can offer you our business address, if you do not have one in Slovenia. All your mail will be scanned and sent to you, as we also offer virtual office service.

You will also need an accountant. In our company we have four professional accountant groups who can help you.

Of course, we also have legal and tax advisors in our company and other migration experts, who can offer you support with your migration and business.

Establish a company in Slovenia – contact us!

If you have more questions about how to establish a company in Slovenia, contact us! We will be happy to help you out! You can write us an email to: or call us to: +386 1 6006 270 or +386 40 530 718 (Viber, WhatsApp).

You can also contact us on Facebook!

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