Author - Polona Gačnik

family owned business

Family owned business – how to establish one?

Family owned business is an important factor of Slovenian economy. Family companies are popular even for foreigners. And they have been for a long time. First, let’s look at some facts. According to the latest data, family businesses represent 83% of Slovenian companies. Moreover, those companies employ 70% of the active population. And they contribute 67% of the added [...]

Registration of an Ltd

Registration of an Ltd in Slovenia – basic steps and conditions

Are you considering business immigration to Slovenia, EU, and you want to know more about registration of an Ltd in Slovenia? Then, you are in the right place. In essence, registration of an Ltd is very easy if you do it at our DATA point. In fact, we only need your cooperation. Our legal experts do the rest of [...]

minimum pay

Minimum pay in Slovenia – year by year changes in wages

The minimum pay is set each January in accordance with the Minimum Wage Act (ZMinP). What does that include? How does the wage change in Slovenia over the years? This article will explore the evolution of the minimum pay in Slovenia. Above all, this can help you with your business plan and recruitment of workers. Do you know anything [...]

Capital for business registration - do you really need it?

Capital for business registration – do you really need it?

You don’t need initial capital for business registration if you decide to open it with fixed tangible assets. When can and when can’t you set up a limited company (Ltd) with us at DATA Point? Start your own business in Slovenia now! Initial capital for business registration – cash or fixed assets? Many people ask us if they can open an Ltd without [...]

Tax deductions for limited companies - what can you claim?

Tax deductions for limited companies – what can you claim?

Tax deductions for limited companies is a hot topic this month since tax returns for 2022 are in process. Still, what tax deductions can you claim for 2022? Also, do you own an Ltd in Slovenia? Maybe you want to open a business? Contact us and schedule a meeting with our experts today! Eventually, if you have any dilemmas, [...]

Clock change in 2023 - when will we move the clocks?

Clock change in 2023 – when will we move the clocks?

When does summer time this year begin? In other words, when will we move the clocks? The first day of the 2023 clock change is the last Sunday in March. At the end of October, we will move the hands of the clock again! Will the clock change affect your business? Are you perhaps from North America and want [...]

Business registrations - busy January and February at DATA!

Business registrations – busy January and February at DATA!

Business registrations in the new year are on the rise at DATA. More and more people want to do business in Slovenia. Do you plan to register a company in Slovenia? Maybe you need some more information? You are in the right place. We at DATA try to help every client achieve their business dreams. Are you one of [...]

First registration steps of an Ltd in Slovenia

First registration steps of an Ltd in Slovenia

If you an employer an want to migrate your business to Slovenia, this article will explore the first registration steps of an Ltd. Do you know anything about Slovenia? Taxes? Salary? Maybe family reunification? Don’t worry if this is all new to you! We at DATA have team of professionals that can help you with everything! So, let’s see [...]

Permit for permanent residence - when can you get one?

Permit for permanent residence – when can you get one?

A permit for permanent residence is a form of permit that you obtain under certain conditions. When is this possible? Do you want to start your business in Slovenia? There are different conditions for obtaining this permit. It also depends on whether you are an EU national or a third-country national. Are you an entrepreneur and want to register [...]

Employment contracts - what do they have to include?

Employment contracts – what do they have to include?

Employment contracts are the basis of the employment relationship. What do they have to include? What are the most important details you need to consider? Do you want to register a company in Slovenia? Do you want to migrate your business here? You are in the right place! Just call us on +386 40 530 718 (Viber/WhatsApp). Expand your business [...]
