
Immigrate to Slovenia by establishing a company

Immigrate to Slovenia by establishing a company

Have you had a business idea that you wanted to fulfill on the European market? In the process, would you also like to personally oversee the company’s business conduct? If yes, you can establish a company in Slovenia and immigrate here through business. Immigrate to Slovenia by establishing a company – conditions of business immigration Only establishing a company does not [...]

Register a company in Slovenia, EU

Register a company in Slovenia, EU

Are you thinking to start your own business in Europe? If you are, then consider Slovenia as your business destination. You can register an LTD company in Slovenia fast and easy. Register a company in Slovenia, EU – needed documents A non-EU citizen can register an LTD company in Slovenia. It is a private company limited by shares. It requires at [...]

Different types of companies you can establish in Slovenia

Different types of companies you can establish in Slovenia

If you are considering to expand your business to Slovenia, we will present you with the different types of companies you can establish here. Different types of companies you can establish in Slovenia, EU – new LTD company As a non-EU citizen, you can establish several different company types in Slovenia. If you do not have an existing company abroad and [...]

Options for business immigration to Slovenia, Europe

Options for business immigration to Slovenia, EU

Are you an entrepreneur who wants to start or expand the business to new countries? Do you plan on opening a company in Europe? In that case, Slovenia would be a good option to start your business. Having a company in Slovenia also gives you options to proceed with business immigration to oversee your company on-site. Options for business immigration [...]

Registering a company in Slovenia, EU

Registering a company in Slovenia, EU is simple and fast

Have you been thinking about company establishment in Europe but are worried that the process is complicated? Registering a new business in a foreign land is a big step to take and with the right support, the process can be fast and straight-forward. Slovenia offers foreigners the possibility to open an LTD fast and easy, without major bureaucratic obstacles. Registering [...]

Open a subsidiary of your company in Slovenia, EU

Open a subsidiary of your company in Slovenia, EU

Do you have an existing company abroad and want to expand your business to Europe? In addition to opening a branch office you can also open a subsidiary of your existing business in Slovenia. Open a subsidiary in Slovenia, EU – what is a subsidiary? A subsidiary is a legal entity, where the shareholder of the company is another legal entity. [...]

Opening a branch office in Slovenia, Europe

Opening a branch office in Slovenia, EU

Have you been considering expanding your business to Europe? In that case opening a branch office in Slovenia is a good possibility to be able to market and provide your products in Europe. What type of company is a branch office? Opening a branch office entails that you open a new part of your existing company in another country. It is [...]

Capital of a company in Slovenia, EU

Capital of a company in Slovenia, EU

Are you planning to establish a company in Slovenia but have been wondering how much initial capital you require? In this article, we will explain about the amount of capital needed, when you have to deposit it and in what manner you have to do the deposit. Founding capital of a company in Slovenia, EU – which company types require [...]

Registration of a company in Slovenia, EU

Registration of a company in Slovenia, EU

If you have been thinking about opening or expanding your business, you can include Slovenia in your options. Its good business environment and economic standing make it an excellent option for foreign entrepreneurs to do their company registration here instead of other EU countries. Registration of a company in Slovenia, EU – choose Slovenia to open or expand your business If [...]

Act of establishment of a company in Slovenia, Europe

Act of establishment of a company in Slovenia, EU

We have recently been explaining, what documents a foreigner has to bring with him for company registration in Slovenia. Now, we will focus more on the documents that are prepared during the company registration process itself. The core document is the act of establishment of a company. Act of establishment of the company – what does it consist of? In the [...]
