Company in Slovenia – average salary for employees

Company in Slovenia - average salary for employees

When starting a business in Europe, you will sometimes not be able to handle all the workload alone. In that case, you will have to hire employees. If you decide for company registration in Slovenia, you will also have to evaluate the cost of the workforce you plan on hiring. Different business areas tend to have different amounts of salaries which the employees can request. We will be detailing the statistics on averages salaries in Slovenia which you can expect in certain business sectors.

Are you considering company registration in Slovenia?

Call us for more information to +386 1 6006 270 or write to us on [email protected].


Data d.o.o. has over 28 years of experience in supporting entrepreneurs with their business in Slovenia. Our legal experts will make sure that employment contract for your employees will be prepared according to Slovenian legislation. We also provide accounting services and our accountants can do the salary calculations for your employees.

Company in Slovenia – what kind of company can you open and what employees can you employ?

The first step in starting your business is registering your company in Slovenia. Non-EU citizens can open an LTD company with 7500€ share capital. If you plan to employ EU citizen, you can employ them straight away when the company is registered. You can also employ EU citizens on half-time and pay them a reduced salary. But if you plan to employ non-EU citizens, they firstly need to obtain a work and residence permit for Slovenia, for which the company has to fulfill additional conditions. When you employ non-EU citizens, you have to employ them on full-time and pay them full-time salary, as this is one of the conditions for their work and residence permit to be valid.

Salaries in Slovenia depending on business sector

In September 2019, the overall average salary in Slovenia was 1.712,11 EUR gross. The minimal salary in 2019 was 886,63 EUR gross but will increase by 2020 to 940,58 EUR. All amounts listed here are calculations for monthly salary rate.

The average salaries differ depending on the business sector. In some sectors, they surpass 2.000 EUR gross, while in others it can be up to 1.000 EUR gross lower. You can expect the highest salaries if you deal in finance and insurance business activities. The average salary in 2019 in these business activities was 2.474,04 EUR.

The average monthly salary in 2019 also surpassed 2000 EUR gross in some other business sectors:

  • public administration and defense activities; compulsory social security activity – 2.195,79 EUR gross,
  • mining – 2.225,89 EUR gross,
  • IT and communication activities – 2.342,82 EUR gross,
  • supply of electricity, gas and steam – 2.429,94 EUR gross.

You can expect the lowest salary rates for the following business activities:

  • hospitality – 1.213,81 EUR gross,
  • construction – 1.311,68 EUR gross,
  • agriculture – 1.421,61 EUR gross,
  • transport and storage – 1.494,52 EUR gross,
  • trading, upkeep and repair of motor vehicles – 1.570,11 EUR gross,
  • business related with real estate – 1.587,05 EUR gross.

How did the average monthly salary increase in the last 5 years?

From 2014 until 2019 there was a yearly growth in average monthly salary in Slovenia. In 2014, the average salary was 1.540,25 EUR gross, in 2015 it was 1.555,89 EUR gross and in 2016 it was 1.584,66 gross. The growth continued in 2017 and 2018, when the average salary amounted to 1.626,95 EUR gross and 1.681,55 gross respectively.

For more information on company registration in Slovenia, EU, send us an e-mail to [email protected]. You can also contact us over the phone 00386 1 6006 270 or 00386 40 530 718 (Viber, WhatsApp). You can also follow us on Facebook.

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