Tag - register a company

Registered business activities

Frequently registered business activities for LTD

Are you considering registering a company in Slovenia but are struggling to choose between the registered business activities? We are presenting you with the most frequently registered business activities, which entrepreneurs registered at our Data One-Stop Shop in the first quarter of 2018. Frequently registered business activities – process of analysis We have assessed the registered business activities at our Data One-Stop [...]

Legal instructions for registering a company in Slovenia

Register a company in Slovenia – legal instruction

How to register a company in Slovenia as a foreign citizen? Our legal advisors have prepared step-by-step instructions on how to register a company in Slovenia. Firstly, it is good to know what you need to register a company in Slovenia. For the company registration in Slovenia you will have to prepare the following documentation:Choose the name of the company Business address The [...]

Accountant in Slovenia

Accountant for your business in Slovenia – our services

Accountant for your business in Slovenia Are you searching for an accountant in Slovenia? Our company Data is offering accounting services for more than 28 years. Most imporantlly, we have a lot of foreign clients as we have many experience. We are also offering other business services – everything under one roof! Accountant in Slovenia – why it is good to [...]

Fruit export to Europe with business in Slovenia

Fruit export to Europe – start a business in Slovenia!

European market offers great opportunities for fruit and vegetables exporters. If you are living an en area where fruit and vegetables is good enough, you can consider to start a business of fruit export to Europe. In this article we will present a few important steps that you have to consider before starting a fruit export business! 1.) Prepare a business [...]

Opening a Spa center business in Slovenia

Spa Center in Slovenia – business migration

The spa center in Slovenia can be a positive and profitable business venture. Nowdays people do not go to Spa center only over the weekend. More and more cities are opening spa centers and clients are visiting them on daily basis. Also more people go to a Spa center to rest and to have a break from everyday life and concern. Which [...]

International trade with business in Slovenia, EU

International trade – business in Slovenia, EU

International trade – business idea Would you like to start a business in Slovenia and register an activity of international trade? Would you like to know more about international trade and industrial relations of Slovenia with other countries? On the territory of the European Union, there are laws that greatly facilitate the conduct of business for companies registered here. Therefore, by [...]

Relocate business to Slovenia, EU

Relocate business to Slovenia-EU and start procedure of business immigration

Relocate business to Slovenia-EU and start procedure of business immigration To relocate business to Slovenia and start running business in EU is a great opportunity to expand your business. In the following article, we will explain the procedure if you want to relocate business to Slovenia. Our company Data has 26 years of experience in entrepreneurship and 50 experienced professionals in [...]

Register business name and start your own business in Europe

Register business name and start your own business in Europe

Register business name in Slovenia To register business name before starting your business is a very important step. If you already have choosen a name for your company and want to register business name, we can check if it is still available. The procedure can be done at our “One-Stop Shop” and it is free of charge. Our referent Will [...]

Slovenia EU business

Slovenia EU business – company registration, virtual Office, visa

Slovenia EU business Are you interested in investing in Slovenia, EU? Do you want to start your business journey in Europe? A tiny country of Slovenia can offer a lot to entrepreneurs. Read why many choose Slovenia to start their business in Europe. Slovenia EU business – do you need help? Our private company Data d.o.o. with over 45 experienced employees is [...]

EU business with the company registration in Slovenia

EU business with the company registration in Slovenia

Business opportunities with the company in Slovenia If you are searching for an opportunity for doing business in EU and to employ foreign citizens, Slovenia is the right place. Firstly, the location of Slovenia represents a big advantage for doing business EU. Secondly, Slovenia is EU-member state and the currency here is Euro. Therefore it is easier to trade and [...]