Tag - legal support

Documentation for company registration in Slovenia

Documentation for company registration in Slovenia

Documentation for company registration in Slovenia Documentation for company registration in Slovenia is essential when starting the procedure. Do you need help with the documentation company registration in Slovenia? Our company is specialized in providing services to foreign citizens who want to start or expand a business in Slovenia and register a company in Slovenia. But of course, it takes more than just [...]

Company owner and director in Slovenia-rights and benefits

Company owner and director in Slovenia-rights and benefits

Company owner and director in Slovenia – who can you appoint? Company owner and director in Slovenia can be every citizen who wishes to start its business. Can a foreign citizen be an owner or a director of a company in Slovenia? This is one of the most common questions answered by our experts at Data company. Whether a foreigner [...]

Types of companies in Slovenia that you can register

Types of companies in Slovenia that you can register

Types of companies in Slovenia for foreigners Types of companies in Slovenia are numerous. However only the right strategy and decision will bring you success and growth. Have you decided to start your own business in Slovenia? What are the most common types of companies in Slovenia? Having a company abroad gives you wider options for starting a business. That [...]

Establishment of a branch office in Slovenia

Establishment of a branch office in Slovenia

Establishment of a branch office in Slovenia/EU Establishment of a branch office in Slovenia is fast and simple. A branch may be established by a domestic or foreign legal entity. There is no share capital. A foreign company may carry out a gainful activity in Slovenia if it has a branch registered here. Or establishes a completely new company. You have [...]

Benefits of growing a subsidiary company in Slovenia

Benefits of growing a subsidiary company in Slovenia

Benefits of growing a subsidiary company Benefits of growing a subsidiary company are many. They are adding value to your main company. One of the best ways to expand your business is also by adding a subsidiary. What does it mean? It means that the owner is a legal person, it is a legal entity. The form of the company [...]

Starting and developing IT business in Slovenia

Starting and developing IT business in Slovenia

Starting and developing IT business in Slovenia for greater success Starting and developing IT business in a European country opens a wide door to great possibilities. If we look at the overall situation and all branches of industry, we can say that the IT industry is one of those that are not directly affected by the current pandemic. Forecasts go [...]

Deficit occupations and employment in the EU

Deficit occupations and employment in the EU

Deficit occupations: which occupations are in high demand Deficit occupations are those in which there is a shortage of staff who are adequately trained for a job. In the labor market, this is reflected in the fact that the demand for workers is greater than the actual supply of certain occupations. Industries that need a specially specialized workforce strive to [...]

Set up a new company and get residency in Slovenia

Set up a new company and get residency in Slovenia

Set up a new company and consider residency options Set up a new company amazing possibility for many entrepreneurs worldwide. Do you want to start business in Slovenia? Having a Slovenian company allows you to have access to the EU market. Along with that, you as the representative can also apply for the work and residence permit in Slovenia. Do [...]

Investment opportunity in Slovenia / EU

Investment opportunity in Slovenia / EU

Investment opportunity in Slovenia   Investment opportunity in Slovenia is a great lead to further success and also to start a business. Do you want to invest in real estate in Europe? Foreign entrepreneurs also often choose Slovenia to open a company and invest in real estate. This includes other fixed assets of the company through the opening of a company. [...]

Transport industry and transport company in Slovenia

Transport industry and transport company in Slovenia

Transport industry in Slovenia and the EU Transport industry has been very popular in Slovenia in recent years. The number of newly opened transport companies is constantly growing. So the largest companies have achieved the largest profit in the history of Slovenia. Many foreign entrepreneurs decide to open a transport company in Slovenia due to high market demand. Do you [...]
