Tag - legal support

Intrastat reporting which companies in Slovenia EU are obliged to report

Intrastat reporting: which companies in Slovenia/EU are obliged to report?

Intrastat reporting is an obligation of companies in Slovenia and the EU. It includes LTD companies and sole traders. When do you have to report to the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SURS) or the Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia (FURS)? What does this reporting cover? Are you also interested to start a business in Europe? Also, do [...]

Web seminars about business in Slovenia, EU - apply now!

Web seminars about business in Slovenia, EU – apply now!

The experts at DATA d.o.o. started hosting web seminars about various topics of business in Slovenia in April 2020. This is a good way to connect to entrepreneurs all over the world and explain why choosing Slovenia within the EU countries is the best option for their business. We carry out two webinars on company registration and business immigration [...]

Measures in SloveniaEU are extended until 17th March 2021!

Measures in Slovenia/EU are extended until 17th March 2021!

The Government of the Republic of Slovenia (RS) decided at a meeting on 13th January 2021 that they would extend the epidemic until mid-March 2021. The Ordinance on declaring the epidemic of COVID-19 in the territory of RS entered into force on January 17th. The epidemic will last for another 60 days. Are the measures also changing? Are you also [...]

Subsistence allowance in Slovenia and abroad in 2021

Subsistence allowance in Slovenia and abroad in 2021

Subsistence allowance abroad and in Slovenia – this is the average cost that employees have (with food and accommodation) on a business trip. The amount of the daily allowance depends on the country to which you travel, the duration of the trip and breakfast, if the trip includes an overnight stay. Will the subsistence allowance abroad be higher in [...]

Live webinars on business in Slovenia - new vacancies!

Live webinars on business in Slovenia – new vacancies!

At DATA, we have been hosting live webinars and got in touch with business people all around the world. They include various topics of business in Slovenia. For January and February 2021, we have new vacancies! Take advantage and apply now! DATA d.o.o. can support you with your business in Europe.  In addition to company registration services, we also provide accounting services. Our legal department also supports [...]

Transportation license in Slovenia – new conditions for acquisition

Transportation license in Slovenia – new conditions for acquisition

A transportation license is essential for companies in Slovenia that transport goods, passengers and for taxis. You can now obtain it under changed conditions. What are they? Are you also interested to start a business in Europe? Also, do you know what is best for the success of your business? Apply now for our free webinar on company registration! Apply for webinar You can also call our [...]

Company registered address in Slovenia

Company registered address in Slovenia

Every company in Slovenia requires to have a company registered address. This goes both for the LTD and the sole trader. When registering the address at premises you do not own, you need explicit consent of the owner. What is this statement and how does it look like? What is the process to have a company registered address in [...]

Initial capital for registration of a limited liability company in Slovenia

Initial capital for registration of a limited liability company in Slovenia

Initial capital for LTD company in Slovenia – what does it mean? The initial capital of a company is also called share capital. The initial capital is required for the opening of a LTD (d.o.o.) in Slovenia. Entrepreneurs from all over the world can register a d.o.o. in Slovenia. The process is the fastest, as well as it needs the [...]

Free online lectures on business in Slovenia - apply now!

Free online lectures on business in Slovenia – apply now!

Are you considering starting a new business in Europe? Are you looking for a destination in EU? Consider opening a company in Slovenia! At DATA, experts would be happy to explain the steps in our free online lectures. Review the dates in January! DATA d.o.o. can support you with your business in Europe.  In addition to company registration services, we also provide accounting services. Our legal [...]
