
Obtaining A1 work form in Slovenia-most common questions

Obtaining A1 work form in Slovenia-most common questions

Obtaining A1 work form for workers Obtaining A1 work form is for employers want to send their employees to work abroad. Slovenian company which provides services abroad must obtain A1 form for each worker. A1 form proves that a worker has an insurance in Slovenia. At the time of work in another country. Doing business in Slovenia is a perfect [...]

Setting up branch or subsidiary company in Slovenia

Setting up branch or subsidiary company in Slovenia

Setting up branch or subsidiary company in Slovenia Setting up branch or subsidiary company poses questions for enterpreneurs. However, the choice is a difficult matter for them. Many businessmen see an opportunity to expand to Slovenia . Having a company abroad gives you wider options for starting a business . That means that you must decide between the type of [...]

Electronic vignettes-Slovenia introduces as early as December

Electronic vignettes-Slovenia introduces as early as December

Electronic vignettes – Slovenia introduces them soon Electronic vignettes : Where is e – vignette mandatory ? Vignette for motorcycles and vehicles up to 3 . 5 t is mandatory in Slovenia . This refers to motorways and expressways. The e – vignette is a digital version of the vingnette. This version will replace the old in the form of [...]

Entrepreneur in Slovenia - start your own business

Entrepreneur in Slovenia – start your own business

Entrepreneur in Slovenia – what it takes for success Entrepreneur in Slovenia is starting and organising business of their own in order to access  the market and make profit. The success of your business mostly depends on you and your personality. To become an entrepreneur one has to possess certain knowledge and skills, be responsible, disciplined, dedicated and persistent. Knowledge [...]

Grow your business in Slovenia - Choice of company name

Grow your business in Slovenia – Choice of company name

Grow your business in Slovenia – Choice of company name Grow and start your business in Slovenia in few steps. The name of the company is certainly one of the first things that every entrepreneur thinks about.  Hence, when he decides to start his own business in Slovenia. The dilemma is always the same. What name will be impressive and [...]

Meal Reimbursement at work-Minimum and maximum amount

Meal Reimbursement at work-Minimum and maximum amount

Meal Reimbursement at work in Slovenia Meal reimbursement at work- sounds pefect, right ? The employer must provide you with reimbursement of the costs of food during work. This includes transport to and from work as well. There is reimbursement of the costs in carrying out certain duties while at work . Does a worker benefit from reimbursement of food [...]

Establish healthy food company in few steps

Establish healthy food company in few steps

Establish healthy food company in Slovenia Establish healthy food company in Slovenia in few simple steps. How to make money and still feel satisfied with your job is one of the key questions of today. And the answer is pretty simple, we just need to be open and optimistic enough to hear it.  Namely, people will always have the necessity [...]

When to retire - retirement in an unconventional way

When to retire – retirement in an unconventional way

When to retire – what options are available ? When to retire is a question that every individual asks himself in his mature years. However, some people ask themselves this question when choosing a profession. Certain professions benefit from the length of service and they can retire early. When to retire, however, also depends on how many children you have. [...]

PCT condition – where is it no longer required?

PCT condition – where is it no longer required?

PCT condition – what it is ? PCT condition refers to those people who have a negative test, have had a Covid-19 or have been vaccinated. This change directly applies to everybody who want to enter shoppings stores, museums, restaurants and many other places.  In this article , we will check how you meet this condition and where it is [...]

Business travel expenses - Per diems

Business travel expenses – Per diems

Business travel expenses – Per diems   Per diems -Who is eligible? Business travel expenses are for all employees who are going on a business trip. According to the Employment Relationships Act (ZDR-1), the employer must provide the employee with reimbursement of expenses. This is the case when the employee is performing certain work and tasks on a business trip. You can [...]
