
Consulting services for businesses in Slovenia

Consulting services as a business activity of a company in Slovenia

Consulting services as a business activity of a company in Slovenia Consulting services as a business activity of a company in Slovenia are a very widespread business activity. Your company can offer consultations in various areas.  You can register the consulting business activity along with other business activities without a problem. A big advantage in providing many consulting services is [...]

Tax treatment of cryptocurrencies in Slovenia

Tax treatment of cryptocurrencies – what do you have to know

Tax treatment of cryptocurrencies The Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia (Furs) has published new explanations regarding tax treatment of cryptocurrencies and crypto tolkens. The main topic of these explanations is tax treatment of cryptocurrenices. If you will still need help after reading the explanations, you can always turn to out tax consultants. You can also consult with us before opening a company that [...]

Open a store in Slovenia, EU

How to open store in Slovenia? Start your business in EU!

How to open store in Slovenia? Were you wondering how to open store in Slovenia? If you want to open store and conduct commercial activity, conditions that are determined in the following regulations have to be fulfilled: Trade Act (ZT-1). Regulations on minimum technical requirements for the conduct of trade activity. Regulations on the minimal level of formal education for the conduct of [...]

Full business support in Slovenia, Europe

Get full business support in Slovenia, EU

Get business support in Slovenia, EU If you are thinking about starting a business in Slovenia, EU, it is recommendable to get business support. In Slovenia you can start LTD company or expand your business, if you already have one in another country. If you are an EU citizen, you can also open an s.p. – sole proprietor. Get full business [...]

Logistics company in Slovenia, Europe

Logistics company in Europe – why to choose Slovenia?

International trade in European Union with logistics company in Slovenia Logistics company in Slovenia offers variety of possibilities for foreigners who wish to expand transport business to Europe. Process of opening logistics company and start transport business in simple and fast. You can register logistics company in a week and get license for transport of goods in 2 weeks. If [...]

Advantages of business migration to Slovenia

Business migration to Slovenia – advantages

What are the main advantages of business migration to Slovenia based on the company registration in Slovenia? We are presenting you the advantages of business migration to Slovenia: Doing business in Slovenia and travel to other EU countries With business migration to Slovenia and registration of a company, you also can obtain a residence permit in Slovenia, which allows you doing business [...]

Establishing an LTD in Slovenia for foreigners

Process of establishing Ltd in Slovenia for non EU residents

Process of establishing Ltd in Slovenia for foreigners For establishing Ltd as non EU citizen you will need following documents: passport certificate of non-criminal record from Slovenia slovenian tax number The certificate on non-criminal record and slovenian tax number you can obtain just in Slovenia. That is why we suggest to do it on your behalf. Our referents will obtain the documents for you based on [...]

Craft business in Slovenia

Craft business in Slovenia – setting up a business

Craft business in Slovenia If you have any artistic skills, starting a craft business can be a good idea! To set up a business can be a big step in your life, but if you do it the right way, it can be successful. Read more about how to start a business in Slovenia. Set up a craft business in Slovenia Firstly, [...]

Buying existing company in Slovenia

Why foreign entrepreneurs should not buy already existing company in Slovenia?

Buying existing company in Slovenia – is that a smart idea? Why foreign entrepreneurs should not buy already existing company in Slovenia? Buying a company in Slovenia looks simple. But before you decide on such a big step, you have to think about it carefully. The main problem is presence of founding capital. For a private company limited by shares (LTD) the [...]

Discount on business immigration packages

15% business discount on business immigration packages

We offer you 15% business discount on all business immigration packages until the end of the year! Let the New Year begin with the registration of your own business in Slovenia. Our company Data can support you through the whole process: from registration, obtaining a work permit and residence permit to doing business. We can also help you with [...]
