
Choice of investment - business immigration to Slovenia

Choice of investment – business immigration to Slovenia

Have you been considering starting your business in Europe but are still deciding on a country through which you would enter the European market? In that case, consider opening a company in Slovenia. Because in addition to offering stable economic conditions for business conduct, it also offer a very straightforward option to start business immigration. Within the company you [...]

Opening a guesthouse - business idea in Slovenia, EU

Opening a guesthouse – business idea in Slovenia, EU

In the past years, Slovenia has recorded an increase in tourist activity. Tourists from all around are visiting Slovenia and many Slovenian towns have had sixth consecutive record-breaking year when it comes to tourism. Such a high demand also requires providing accommodation to all the travelers visiting Slovenia, which might ignite a good idea for your business in Europe. [...]

Assistance with company registration in Slovenia EU

Assistance with company registration in Slovenia, EU

Company registration might be a stressful process when starting a business in Europe. But in Slovenia, it is possible to register a company at specific offices which are called VEM points. Those offices have received governmental approval to perform company registrations as well as offer assistance to future entrepreneurs. So, for most cases of starting a business in Slovenia, [...]

Contents of the act of company establishment - Slovenia, EU

Contents of the act of company establishment – Slovenia, EU

Starting a business in Slovenia starts by company registration. The procedure is very straightforward and even non-EU citizens can register an LTD company in Slovenia. One of the core documents for your company would be the company’s act of establishment. You formulate the contents of this document in the process of company registration. To be better prepared for starting [...]

Frequent queries about company registration in Slovenia, EU

Frequent queries about company registration in Slovenia, EU

Starting a business in Europe requires preparation and time. Before you make such an important decision regarding starting a business abroad, you will surely have some queries about how to proceed in a specific country. At Data d.o.o. we have helped local and foreign entrepreneurs to start their business in Slovenia for more than 28 years. In that time, [...]

Explaining the terms of business immigration to Slovenia, EU

Explaining the terms of business immigration to Slovenia, EU

Slovenia is a central European country which has become increasingly popular for foreigners looking to start a business in Europe. The straight-forward legislation regarding company registration has given the option to non-EU citizens to start their business in Slovenia fast and hassle-free. But not many are aware that just company registration in Slovenia does not give the representative the [...]

Distinctions between company types in Slovenia, EU

Distinctions between company types in Slovenia, EU

Are you a foreigner who is looking to start a business in Europe? You can consider Slovenia as one of the possible destinations of your future business conduct. Sometimes, foreigners do not know what kind of company type they can establish in Slovenia. Hence, we have decided to explain the distinctions between the company types to make your decision [...]

Changing the name of your company in Slovenia, EU

Changing the name of your company in Slovenia, EU

Choosing a company name is one of the most important decisions you will make when doing business in Europe. The company name is the most visible part of your brand for the services of products you offer. But what happens if you later decide on another name and want to proceed to changing the company name? Data d.o.o. has been [...]

Slovenia as a business destination in EU - audio guide

Slovenia as a business destination in EU – audio guide

In this week’s audio guide, we will present Slovenia as a possible business destination for foreigners looking for a suitable country to start their business in Europe. Within the audio guide we will address both the professional and personal aspects of why a foreigner should choose Slovenia to start their business. Slovenia as a business destination in EU(Alja Arko, Data [...]

Size of the company - micro, small and medium companies

Size of the company – micro, small and medium companies

When doing business in Slovenia, it is important to know the criteria under which your company would be subjected to when it comes to size. In accordance with the size of the company, there are also different obligations which the company has to fulfill. In Slovenia, the companies are divided into groups of micro, small, medium or large companies. If [...]
