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Obtaining A1 form for posted workers - new regulations after 1.1.2018

Obtaining A1 form for posted workers – new regulations after 1.1.2018

Obtaining A1 form for posted workers From the 1.1.2018 onwards, an employer can obtain A1 form for posted workers according to new regulations. With changed legislation about posted work abroad, which began to apply on 1st January 2018, also the conditions and the way in which legal and natural persons with activity (sp) obtain A1 form changed. Based on A1 form the workers can perform [...]

Business in Europe - open a company in Slovenia

Business in EU – open a company in Slovenia

Business in EU – open a company in Slovenia Would you like to start a business in EU? You can open a company in one of the EU countries, such as Slovenia. In Slovenia you can open a company fast and easy, Read more if you are interested. Business in EU – first step before company registration Firstly, you will have to [...]

Conditions and benefits for business owners in Slovenia

Owner of the company in Slovenia – conditions and benefits

Owner of the company – can a foreigner be the owner of the company in Slovenia? The answer is – yes! You can register company in Slovenia, to be more specific – a Private limited company. The conditions are the same for the EU citizens as for citizens from non-EU countries. The owner of a company must have an [...]

IT company in Slovenia and EU

IT company in Slovenia and in European Union

IT company in Slovenia – can also be opened by foreigners. In Slovenia, as a foreigner, you can open LTD and register relevant IT activities. Terms of opening LTD are the same for everyone, regardless of citizenship. You also don’t need to have a residence here to open an IT company in Slovenia. Establishing an IT company in Slovenia The procedure of registering a [...]

Construction engineering in the EU

Construction engineering in Slovenia – business idea

Construction engineering – is atractive business idea in Slovenia and EU. You can register a company in Slovenia at our offices in Data free of charge. Construction engineering in the EU with a company in Slovenia If you already have a construction engineering company in your country and you are becoming very often projects in the EU, then it is certainly the [...]

Conditions for web design company in Slovenia

Start web design company in Slovenia, in EU

Start web design company in Slovenia and expand your business to EU! Non-EU citizens very often decide to start web design company in Slovenia, because it’s one of the most wanted jobs in Slovenia and in the world.  The demand for web design and web pages is growing every day. That is why the company in Slovenia could be [...]

Businessi immigration to Slovenia, Europe

Immigration based on business in Slovenia

Immigration based on business in Slovenia – are you considering to move to another country? Do you also want to start new business or expand the one you already have in your own country. Opening a company is the best and easiest way to immigrate to Slovenia. Immigration based on business You can immigrate to Slovenia adn to EU by opening [...]

Business idea - clothing shop in Slovenia, Europe

Clothing shop in Slovenia, EU – business idea

Clothing shop in Slovenia, EU – business idea Anyone can register an LTD company in Slovenia. If you want to start with clothing shop in EU, to register a company in Slovenia is good idea! You can register your company at our offices in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The registration of clothing shop is free of charge, as also the registration of any [...]

Establishing a private limited company in Slovenia

Private limited company registration – useful information

Private limited company registration in Slovenia Are you wondering about private limited company registration procedure in Slovenia? Firstly, it is important for you to know what is an LTD. LTD or Private Limited Company is a legal entity with one or multiple founders. The founders are not liable for the obligations of their undertakings. The members are entitled to profits [...]

VAT number in Slovenia

VAT number in Slovenia for doing business in EU

VAT number in Slovenia – taxation The question about how to obtain VAT number in Slovenia is one of the first questions that are get. Before you start a business in Slovenia, it is good to know more about VAT number in Slovenia and system here. The taxation system in Slovenia is quite loyal, especially when compared to neighboring countries. In [...]
