Author - Polona Gačnik

Necessary documents for opening a business in Slovenia

Necessary documents for opening a business in Slovenia

Do you consider opening a business, but don’t know what are the necessary documents you need to prepare? Don’t worry! You are on the right place! We at DATA prepare the necessary documents for registration of an Ltd (limited liability company) or s.p. (sole proprietorship). Then, what are the necessary documents? Let’s find out! Meanwhile, if you have any [...]

Holidays 2024 in Slovenia

Holidays 2024 in Slovenia – important info for entrepreneurs

Holidays 2024 in Slovenia – most holidays in Slovenia next year will be on working days. This mean that they will not “fall” on weekend! How will holidays 2024 in Slovenia fall? These are also important information if you want to register company in Slovenia! Do you need more information about starting business in Slovenia? Then contact us! Call [...]

The easiest way to register a company

The easiest way to register a company in Slovenia

Do you have a good business idea and are looking for the easiest way to register a company in Slovenia? Starting a business in Slovenia is an individual decision that requires careful planning and information gathering from the future entrepreneur. If you have a good business idea and are planning to open the company in Slovenia, let us assure you, [...]

Buying an existing company in Slovenia? Bad idea!

Buying an existing company in Slovenia? Bad idea!

Are you are thinking about buying an existing company in Slovenia? In this case, you should read this article. Some entrepreneurs, especially foreigners who want to start a business in Slovenia, think that the best option is to buy an existing company. They think they will benefit from it. They assume that they will avoid some procedures. Unfortunately, the [...]

Invest and expand business in Slovenia/EU

Invest and expand business in Slovenia/EU

Do you want business partners in EU? Then invest and expand business in Slovenia! Slovenia is very popular destination for many entrepreneurs. Usually they want to expand their business to other EU countries. Are you wondering why is it like this? There are three simple reasons. First one is the location. Second is also relatively easy registration of the [...]

How to get residency with opening a company in Slovenia

How to get residency with opening a company in Slovenia

Have you’ve been wondering how to get residency in Slovenia, if you will register a company here? If that is your question, then our answer is quick and simple, just as the procces of making that possible. As a foreign citizen, you can easily get a work and resident permit in Slovenia, but of course you will need to [...]

Business activities of a ltd company-which are most common?

Business activities of a ltd company-which are most common?

Business activities of a ltd company – which ones do you most often choose when setting up a ltd? Business activities of a ltd company, which the entrepreneurs who are opening a LTD company choose at the time of registration, adhere to the forecasts we announced at the end of last year. You intend to establish a company and are [...]

A company in Slovenia and how to send workers in the EU

A company in Slovenia and how to send workers in the EU

Have you ever wondered how a company in Slovenia can send workers to work in the EU? Understandable, because one of the most common questions of businessmen is how to open a company in Slovenia and how to send employees to work in Europe. That is a common practice for business expansion. If you have decided to open a [...]

Costs of opening a company in Slovenia

Costs of opening a company in Slovenia

The costs of opening a company in Slovenia are few. Compared to other EU countries, opening a company in Slovenia is not that expensive. However, it does require some financial planning. In this article you will find out what are the main costs of opening a company in Slovenia. Are you interested to open LTD company in Slovenia? Then [...]
