Author - Alja Arko

Overview of legislation changes in Slovenia in 2019

Overview of legislation changes in Slovenia in 2019

2019 was quite an eventful year for legislation changes as Slovenia adopted several new law and regulations. If you plan on starting your business in Slovenia in 2020, you can check which changes occurred in the past year in our overview so that you are prepared to conduct your business in Slovenia in accordance to the legislation. Are you considering [...]

Renting accommodation through Airbnb or Booking

Renting accommodation through Airbnb or Booking

As the real estate market is blossoming in Slovenia, investments in property are very common. Many of those investments are made in order to start a business in Slovenia. In the past, long-term rent was very popular. But currently short-term rent, mostly for tourist use, has been more lucrative for entrepreneurs. This is mostly due to the increasing popularity [...]

The year 2019 in numbers - favourable statistics for Slovenia

The year 2019 in numbers – favourable statistics for Slovenia

As the year 2019 is approaching its end, it is also a time to prepare business reviews. Slovenia has had quite a successful year and maybe the 2019 statistics will make your decision to start a business in Europe easier. Are you considering company registration in Slovenia? Call us for more information to +386 1 6006 270 or write to us [...]

Slovenia - popular target for business expansion to Europe

Slovenia – popular target for business expansion to Europe

The European market is one of the most sought-after targets for entrepreneurs. Because of economic stability and strong consumerism, many foreigners decide for starting their business in Europe. Slovenia is one of the smaller EU countries but nonetheless it is becoming a popular target for entrepreneurs who are looking to enter the European market. Are you considering company registration in [...]

Do you need an office for your company in Slovenia, EU?

Do you need an office for your company in Slovenia, EU?

Starting your business in Slovenia would require you to present a business address for your company. Many entrepreneurs often wonder if this means that they require to have an actual office in Slovenia. Others wonder in what type of premises they can register their business address. We have prepared this article to help clarify the matter. Are you considering company [...]

Company registration – start your preparations in 2019!

Company registration – start your preparations in 2019!

The end of the year is nearing and many entrepreneurs postpone starting their business in Europe to the new year. But there are certain preparations which you can do in advance. It means that as soon as the new year starts you have an active company and can start your business without delay. Are you considering company registration in Slovenia? Call [...]

Stages of business immigration to Slovenia, EU

Stages of business immigration to Slovenia, EU

Business immigration is a term used to describe the possibility to relocate to another country to oversee the business there. Starting a business in Europe is a big undertaking and usually entrepreneurs want to oversee it first-hand. Each country in EU has different regulations concerning business immigration. We will be presenting the stages of business immigration to Slovenia for [...]

Company in Slovenia - average salary for employees

Company in Slovenia – average salary for employees

When starting a business in Europe, you will sometimes not be able to handle all the workload alone. In that case, you will have to hire employees. If you decide for company registration in Slovenia, you will also have to evaluate the cost of the workforce you plan on hiring. Different business areas tend to have different amounts of [...]

Entering the VAT system in Slovenia when is it profitable?

Entering the VAT system in Slovenia: when is it profitable?

When doing business in Europe, most companies want to obtain the VAT number. Sometimes it is also mandatory that companies enter the VAT system. But when is entering the VAT system suitable for other companies that want to enter voluntarily? Are you considering company registration in Slovenia? Call us for more information to +386 1 6006 270 or write to us [...]
