Tag - before company registration

Connected persons in tax legislation in Slovenia EU

Connected persons in tax legislation in Slovenia/EU

Connected persons in Slovenia – what is the definition? Do you plan to do business in Europe? In a Slovenian company you need to make sure to understand what connected persons are. They are defined as natural persons or as legal persons. It is important to know the definition of who they are in business. This is because there are [...]

Personal income tax in SloveniaEU how is it calculated

Personal income tax in Slovenia/EU: how is it calculated?

Personal income tax in Slovenia or its calculation for 2020 and 2021 will include the unchanged scale. So what is the rate or its scale in 2021? Also, will the relief change in 2021?Are you also interested to start a business in Europe ? Also, do you know what is best for the success of your business also regarding [...]

Economic recovery predictions for Slovenia better than the EU average

Economic recovery: predictions for Slovenia better than the EU average

The COVID-19 epidemic affected economies worldwide. Business in Slovenia has also felt its consequences. But according to the predictions of the European commission, Slovenia is in a better position for recovery than other states in the EURO zone. Are you a business owner in Slovenia or looking to register a company here? Are you having trouble understanding what is best [...]

Provide IT services with a company in Slovenia – possibilities during coronavirus

Provide IT services with a company in Slovenia – possibilities during coronavirus

Services that relate to IT business are very sought after. Almost every product or service requires a website for which you need a service provider to create it. Especially during coronavirus, it is a good idea for business in Europe, as many companies cannot offer their products or services personally and had to move their business online. Also, it [...]

Real estate market in Slovenia during coronavirus outbreak

Real estate market in Slovenia during coronavirus outbreak

What is happening with the real estate market in Slovenia during coronavirus outbreak? The outbreak affected many fields of business in Europe, with tourism and hospitality being one of the most affected ones. As real estate market is also very connected to those fields, we have investigated how the current situation affected buying and renting real estate in Slovenia. Are [...]

Business owners in Slovenia, are you eligible for reimbursement of salary compensation?

Business owners in Slovenia, are you eligible for reimbursement of salary compensation?

In the past weeks, there were negotiations in place to finalize the acceptance of the economic support package that the government has offered to ease the effects of the coronavirus epidemic on business in Slovenia. On April 2nd the National Assembly has confirmed the set of measures which will help business owners as well as natural persons in Slovenia. [...]

Renting accommodation through Airbnb or Booking

Renting accommodation through Airbnb or Booking

As the real estate market is blossoming in Slovenia, investments in property are very common. Many of those investments are made in order to start a business in Slovenia. In the past, long-term rent was very popular. But currently short-term rent, mostly for tourist use, has been more lucrative for entrepreneurs. This is mostly due to the increasing popularity [...]

Estimate of timelines for establishing various company types

Estimate of timelines for establishing various company types

Foreigners have various options when it comes to company registration in Slovenia. Experienced entrepreneurs with existing companies abroad can start a business in Slovenia by opening a branch or a subsidiary in Slovenia. But even newcomers can establish a company in Slovenia, namely an LTD company where natural persons are shareholders. Each of these company types has a different [...]

Key points to consider when opening a company in Slovenia

Key points to consider when opening a company in Slovenia

If you plan on starting your business in Slovenia, it is good to know what waits for you before, during and after company registration. We have summarized the key points that you have to take into account when opening a company in Slovenia.Are you considering company registration in Slovenia? Call us for more information to +386 1 6006 270 or [...]

Questions before company establishment in Slovenia, EU

Questions before company establishment in Slovenia, EU

When foreigners are establishing a company in Slovenia, we advise them to prepare themselves before jumping into this project. We receive calls and e-mails with various questions about company establishment and business in Slovenia. From those questions we have gathered the most frequently asked ones and prepared answers to help you facilitate doing business in Europe.Are you considering company [...]