Tag - different company types

Estimate of timelines for establishing various company types

Estimate of timelines for establishing various company types

Foreigners have various options when it comes to company registration in Slovenia. Experienced entrepreneurs with existing companies abroad can start a business in Slovenia by opening a branch or a subsidiary in Slovenia. But even newcomers can establish a company in Slovenia, namely an LTD company where natural persons are shareholders. Each of these company types has a different [...]

Consider opening a company in Slovenia, Europe

Consider opening a company in Slovenia, EU

Entering the European market is a popular idea amongst foreign entrepreneurs. But deciding on the location where you would start your business in Europe is one of the most important ones you would make. Consider opening a company in Slovenia, which is a central European country within the EU and Schengen zone and will enable you to expand your [...]

Choice between opening a subsidiary or a branch office

Choice between opening a subsidiary or a branch office

There are many seasoned entrepreneurs searching for the opportunity to expand their services and products to Europe. Having an existing company abroad gives you a wider variety of options in starting your business in Slovenia, so you can decide between the choice to open a subsidiary or a branch office in Slovenia. What is the difference between a branch office [...]