Tag - company registration procedure

Key points to consider when opening a company in Slovenia

Key points to consider when opening a company in Slovenia

If you plan on starting your business in Slovenia, it is good to know what waits for you before, during and after company registration. We have summarized the key points that you have to take into account when opening a company in Slovenia.Are you considering company registration in Slovenia? Call us for more information to +386 1 6006 270 or [...]

Year 2018 was a successful year for company registration

Year 2018 was a successful year for company registration

As it has been already one whole month of the New Year, it is time for analyzing how successful the previous year was. The company Data is a licensed company registration point (VEM point) and several entrepreneurs, both local and foreign, decide to perform company registration in our office. But you can also perform other changes related to the [...]

Company registration procedure in Slovenia

Company registration procedure in Slovenia, EU

Company registration procedure in Slovenia, EU Are you considering opening a company in Europe and still exploring your options in different countries? Let us explain you a little bit more about company registration procedure in Slovenia. Company registration procedure in Slovenia – what you have to do before the registration? Before the company registration procedure in Slovenia you have to obtain certain [...]