Tag - work and residence permit

necessary documents

Necessary documents for opening a business in Slovenia

Do you consider opening a business, but don’t know what are the necessary documents you need to prepare? Don’t worry! You are on the right place! We at DATA prepare the necessary documents for registration of an Ltd (limited liability company) or s.p. (sole proprietorship). Then, what are the necessary documents? Let’s find out! Meanwhile, if you have any [...]

Business activities of a ltd company

Business activities of a ltd company-which are most common?

Business activities of a ltd company – which ones do you most often choose when setting up a ltd? Business activities of a ltd company, which the entrepreneurs who are opening a LTD company choose at the time of registration, adhere to the forecasts we announced at the end of last year. You intend to establish a company and are [...]

Sending workers to EU countries

Sending workers to EU countries with Slovenian company

Open a company in Slovenia and sending workers to EU countries is a common thing these days. If you establish a company in Slovenia you have a free way to all of the rest EU countries. Does that interest you? Then call us on +386 40 530 718 (Viber/WhatsApp)! Or you can send us an email on data@data.si as [...]

How to get EU blue card

How to get EU blue card – open a company in Slovenia

The EU Blue Card and family reunification is very good chance if you want to live and work in Slovenia. It is the only residence and work permit based on highly qualified education. Based on the EU Blue Card, foreign nationals can be employed in highly professional jobs. And also move to and work in the EU with their [...]

Business address and virtual office

Business address and virtual office of a company in Slovenia

Business address and virtual office of a company in Slovenia Business address and virtual office of a company in Slovenia is a need for every company that registers in Slovenia. Do you know what do you need to register it? To register your company in the Business Register of Slovenia, it must have an address. The business address of the [...]

reunion of family

Reunion of family of third-country nationals in Slovenia – how?

Reunion of family Reunion of family is an often procedure for third-country nationals in Slovenia. Which third-country nationals can join the family? And how do they arrange it? In either case, do you need help with residence permits or work permits? We have special department for foreigners. We help them register companies and grow their businesses. If you want to [...]

Post workers abroad from Slovenia - A1 certificate and more!

Post workers abroad from Slovenia – A1 certificate and more!

Post workers abroad – how complex it is? To post workers abroad is a complex process. Different rules define and manage that process. Does your company wish to post workers abroad? Is that one of your company’s plans? In that case, you can contact our legal advisors and get all the answers! They have rich experience of more than 30 [...]

Family reunification of third-country nationals in Slovenia

Family reunification of third-country nationals in Slovenia

Do you have business in Slovenia and family reunification interests you? Normally, third-country nationals can join their families in Slovenia under certain conditions. But which third-country nationals can reunite their families? And how do they do it? Above all, do you also want to know how to obtain residence permits or work permits? Do you know that Slovenia hit [...]

Founding capital for company registration in Slovenia

Founding capital for company registration in Slovenia

Are you ready to open a company in Slovenia, but you are not sure what is the founding capital for company registration? Founding capital for company registration in Slovenia is one of the conditions for the registration of a ltd company in Slovenia. Have you been also wondering what is the required documentation for company registration?  Do not worry. [...]

Register your company in Slovenia - free webinar

Register your company in Slovenia – free webinar

Free webinar – how to register your company in Slovenia Free webinar – how to register your company in Slovenia – a perfect way to learn more about this topic right? Have you been thinking about growing your business to Slovenia or EU? This is a great oportunity to find out more about what are posibilities. Learn about business and life in Slovenia: [...]