Tag - single residence and work permit in Slovenia

Obtaining or renewal of a residence permit in Slovenia

Obtaining or renewal of a residence permit in Slovenia

After the registration of the company many foreign citizens are interested in obtaining or renewal of a residence permit in Slovenia. Obtaining or renewal of a residence permit in Slovenia – how to? Obtaining a residence permit is possible if company satisfies one of the conditions of active business in Slovenia. In some cases it is possible to avoid meeting these conditions, [...]

Obtaining residence permit in Slovenia

Obtaining residence permit in Slovenia

Obtaining residence permit in Slovenia gives you the right to live and work in the territory of Slovenia, as well as travel around the European Union and the Schengen countries without visas and restrictions. Our company offers you the option of obtaining residence permit on the basis of employment in the company that you register in Slovenia. Options for obtaining residence [...]

Single permit in Slovenia

Single permit in Slovenia

Establishing a business in Slovenia is the most convenient way to obtain single permit for residence and work in Slovenia without control of labor market by applying for single permit for foreign representatives. Latter means that foreign citizen establish company in Slovenia, and as a legal representative applies for single permit. By starting business in Slovenia, you can receive economic [...]

Single permit for residence and work in Slovenia simplifies the procedures

Single permit for residence and work in Slovenia simplifies the procedures

Single permit for residence and work in Slovenia simplifies the work permit and residence procedure in the Republic of Slovenia. Foreigners who want to live and work in Slovenia from September 1, 2015, will no longer need two different permissions by creating a single permit for residence and work of foreigners. The process of obtaining a single permit for [...]

Long-term residence permit

Long-term residence permit – Ticket to EU Member States

Did you know that third-country nationals who hold long-term residence permit in one of the EU Member State have the right to reside for a period of three months in other Member State? Long-term residence permit and EU legislation According to EU legislation, each resident having long-term residence permit in one EU member state has the right to move in another [...]

Work permit in Slovenia

Get a work permit in Slovenia before toughening of the law

From the 1st September 2015 on the law regarding a work permit and residence permit for non-EU citizens (foreigners) will be changed. Introduced changes will at one side simplify a process of obtaining a work permit and residence permit in Slovenia, while on the other side, conditions for obtaining of both permits is going to be tightened. Moreover, the new [...]

Obtaining a permanent residence permit in Slovenia

Obtaining a permanent residence permit in Slovenia

After five years of living in the territory of Slovenia, you can apply for permanent residence permit in Slovenia. Temporary residence permit has to be prolonged every year. Conditions for obtaining residence permit in Slovenia for the citizens from Third Countries Also a citizen of a third country can obtain permanent residence with unlimited date of validation, if he is located [...]

Important changes and novelties of Aliens Act in Slovenia

Important changes and novelties of Aliens Act in Slovenia

This year Slovenian National Assembly adopted the Law on Amendments and Supplements to the Law on Foreigners called Aliens Act. The changes and novelties will enter into force on 1.1.2015. The goals of mentioned changes are focused mainly on elimination of administrative barriers, shortening deadlines for procedures, introduction of a single procedure etc.  One of the important novelties is also [...]

Purchase of a ready-made company in Slovenia

Purchase of a ready-made company in Slovenia

If you want to obtain a work permit in Slovenia you can buy a ready-made company in Slovenia. The most common way of obtaining a work permit and residence permit in Slovenia is based on the registration of a company. To apply for a work permit your company has to be established for at least 6 months and have a [...]

Obtaining permanent residence permit in Slovenia

Obtaining permanent residence permit in Slovenia

If foreigner wants to obtain a permanent residence permit in Slovenia the main requirement is to have 5 years of continuous arranged status in the Republic of Slovenia on the basis of a temporary residence permit. If your status in Slovenia was not valid for a 5 years (and you had interruptions with extensions of your temporary residence permit), you still satisfy [...]