Tag - company registration in Slovenia

VAT identification number for your company in Slovenia

VAT identification number for your company in Slovenia

One of the most frequently asked questions that entrepreneurs have when registering the company, when they can start doing business with other EU countries as well. Therefore, it is important to understand what you need in order to issue invoices to companies in other EU countries. The most important part of this process is that the Slovenian company obtains [...]

Youth hostel in Slovenia as an idea for business in EU

Youth hostel in Slovenia as an idea for business in EU

In the last year, tourism has grown in Slovenia. The country gained global recognition and the people wanting to visit it increased. Slovenia is also a good hub for tourists visiting central Europe in general and while some tourist would just want to pass through it, they decide to stay longer once they step foot in Slovenia and see [...]

Consulting as a business activity of a company in Slovenia

Consulting as a business activity of a company in Slovenia

Do you have specific knowledge or skills and would like to take advantage of them for doing business? If yes, you can offer consulting services based on your knowledge and experience and do it as a business activity in Slovenia. Consulting as a business activity of a company in Slovenia Consulting can cover a very big scope of activities. It basically [...]

Year 2018 was a successful year for company registration

Year 2018 was a successful year for company registration

As it has been already one whole month of the New Year, it is time for analyzing how successful the previous year was. The company Data is a licensed company registration point (VEM point) and several entrepreneurs, both local and foreign, decide to perform company registration in our office. But you can also perform other changes related to the [...]

Register a business in Slovenia and enter the EU market

Register a business in Slovenia and enter the EU market

The European market was always interesting for foreign entrepreneurs due to its diversity and stabile economic environment. Slovenia is also one of the rising European countries, which offers interesting investment opportunities for entrepreneurs. If you register a business in Slovenia, you can enter the European market from a very strategic position. Register a business in Slovenia – advantages of Slovenia Slovenia [...]

Benefits of opening a company in Slovenia, EU

Benefits of opening a company in Slovenia, EU

Do you have a business idea that you want to introduce to the European market? Are you evaluating which European country would be best to launch your business in? Look no further and consider Slovenia as an option of business registration in the EU as it has several benefits compared to other European countries Benefits of opening a company in [...]

Decisions of administrative authorities in Slovenia

Decisions of administrative authorities in Slovenia

Decisions of administrative authorities are often a part of the daily routine of an entrepreneur. Because of the amount of inspection departments, it can happen quickly, that you can become a part of one of their proceedings. The administrative proceedings also decide on the rights and responsibilities of companies and entrepreneurs. These types of decision often find their way [...]

Regulations within a company in Slovenia, EU

Regulations within a company in Slovenia, EU

Preparing internal regulations within a company in Slovenia is a topic employer sometimes prefer to avoid. This is mostly due to the fact that they do not understand the true importance of these regulations. In addition, these regulations are not intended for inspectors, but to enforce good working relations within the company. Mostly, they are necessary to legally protect [...]

How to register a company in Slovenia, Europe

How to register a company in Slovenia, EU?

Have you been thinking about doing business in Europe but are still deciding on the destination? Slovenia is one of Europe’s most attractive markets to start or expand a business. Learn how to register a company in Slovenia and proceed with offering your services or products in Europe. How to register a company in Slovenia, EU – Needed documents If you [...]

Markup to tolls for transporters from 1st January 2019

Markup to tolls for transporters from 1st January 2019

All transporters, for which the allowed mass surpasses 3.500 kg, will have to start paying the markup to tolls from 1st January 2019, but only on certain highway sections. Markup to tolls for transporters from 1st January 2019 On the 13th December 2018, the Slovenian government reached a Decree of implementing a markup to tolls on certain highway sections. The Law [...]
