Tag - business in Slovenia

Transportation companies - tachograph installation

Transportation companies – tachograph installation

There have been some changes for transportation companies which do business in Slovenia. Those changes pertain to installation of a tachograph within the vehicles. What is a tachograph? A tachograph or a recorder is a monitoring device used for transportation. It records the times of transportation, breaks and rest of the drivers. You need to install tachographs in all vehicles over [...]

Business immigration to Slovenia for non-EU citizens

Business immigration for non-EU citizens

Slovenia is a very popular choice for foreigners who want to dive into the entrepreneurial waters. It is a central European country and part of the EU and Schengen zone. It has a stable and growing economy and very strong neighboring countries. Those are only some of the reasons why non-EU citizens decide to start their business in Slovenia [...]

Translation agency as a business activity in Slovenia, EU

Translation agency as a business activity in Slovenia, EU

Due to the increasing tourism as well as international business in Slovenia, there has been an increasing demand for translators in Slovenia. Sometimes they are needed by tourists who do not speak the local language and are not that fluent in English, while other times they become valued assistance for foreign entrepreneurs who plan on doing business in Europe. [...]

Step by step guide to company registration in Slovenia

Step by step guide to company registration in Slovenia

While the process of company registration in Slovenia is very straight-forward, you still need to know in which order you have to proceed in order to be able to do your business in Slovenia. Certain steps require that you already have specific documents in your possession, otherwise you could not proceed to the next step. 1st step – obtaining the [...]

Documents for opening a branch office in Slovenia

Documents for opening a branch office in Slovenia

Opening a branch office is a popular choice of company type for entrepreneurs who already have an existing business abroad. This way they have the possibility to start their business in Europe but not by opening an entirely new company. They can open a branch office, which can be used for marketing the services of the parent company on [...]

Business idea in Slovenia – opening a restaurant

Business idea in Slovenia – opening a restaurant

Food and eating are mandatory parts of each person’s life. Due to the busy schedule of the modern age, people seldom take the time to prepare their own meals, especially during the work days. Therefore, many new restaurants have been opening, especially in bigger towns. Also because of the increasing multicultural aspect of Slovenia’s popularity, many foreigners have decided [...]

What expenses does the company have with an employee?

What expenses does the company have with an employee?

Calculating expenses is one of the most important steps when deciding to do your business in another country. While it is easy do decrease some expenses like renting an office by using a virtual address instead, there are some expenses that are particular to every country individually. Doing business in Slovenia mostly requires that you employ someone within your [...]

Computer programming as a business activity in Slovenia

Computer programming as a business activity in Slovenia

IT skills are very sought after everywhere in the world and the good thing is that the knowledge is applicable regardless of where you have obtained it. Programmers can adapt to any environment and if you want to put your skills to use in an international environment, consider doing business in Slovenia by opening a computer programming company. Are you [...]

Obtaining Slovenian tax number for foreign citizens

Obtaining Slovenian tax number for foreign citizens

The Slovenian tax number is one of the key documents you will have to present in various operations on the territory of Slovenia. You will need it to register your company, to open a bank account and to calculate salary. Obtaining it can be done through various ways. Obtaining a Slovenian tax number personally in Slovenia When doing business in Slovenia, [...]

How to open a clothing store in Slovenia, EU?

How to open a clothing store in Slovenia, EU?

Clothing industry is always a strong sector when deciding on a business in Europe. Especially foreign fashion is popular everywhere, so if you are producing clothing abroad, you can open a company in Slovenia and sell them in a rising European market. Opening a clothing store – company registration When starting your business in Slovenia, you firstly need to register a [...]
