Tag - business in Slovenia

Advantages to open a company in Slovenia

Advantages to open a company in Slovenia

Have you been wondering what are the advantages to open a company in Slovenia. The advantage is that Slovenia is located in central Europe next to important countries such as Austria, Italy and Hungary. Since 2004, Slovenia has been a member of the European Union. Also since 2007 it has become part of the Schengen zone. Do you want [...]

Business migration to Slovenia

Business migration to Slovenia through investment

If you want to open a new company, business migration to Slovenia through investment is a great idea! You are probably often asking yourself how to make a new move? What are the steps? Is it possible to register a company in totaly new country ? The answer is yes. Small and medium companies represent 99.8% of all companies [...]

activity permit

Activity permit – what activities do you need one for?

Activity permit might be necessary to open a business in Slovenia. Usually you will need proof of education to practice regulated and craft activities. That can be a permit, licence, etc. In this article we will go through different activities and show some examples. That is an important part of starting a business. Before registration, you need to choose [...]

company start

Company start-up for foreigners – how can they open one?

Company start-up for foreigners – can it be a s.p or a Ltd? Many foreigners decide for company start-up at DATA. They can open s.p. or Ltd in Slovenia. Do you know what do they mean? What they are? This article will explore the most important information! Most important, we will see the conditions a person from a EU country [...]

LTD shareholders

LTD shareholders – who’s joining your business adventure?

LTD shareholders are people that own an LTD together. How many people can open a company? Can they be related? How much do they have to contribute? Do you even need additional shareholders or can you do it by yourself? If you are ready to start your business in Slovenia, you came to the right place. We will explain [...]


Trading company – business opportunity in Slovenia!

Trading as a business activity is one of the most popular choices when starting a business in Europe. It is a broad business activity, which includes trading with various products. You can register a company in Slovenia! And then offer your products here and sell them to other EU countries. Do you want to start business in Slovenia? Contact [...]

Different types of companies

Different types of companies you can open in Slovenia

Different types of companies you can open in Slovenia are: LTD, s.p., branch and subsidiary. In this article we will explain the differences between them. What do you need to open each? What is the process? How long does it take? If you want to start a business in Slovenia you can also ask our business consultants for help. [...]

Register a Branch office in Slovenia

Register a Branch office in Slovenia / EU

Register a Branch office in Slovenia – it can be a great way to expand your business to EU if you already have a company. The branch office does not have the status of a separate legal entity, and is strictly connected to the mother company. But the branch can do all operations performed by the mother company. However, if [...]

landlord permission statement

Landlord permission statement for your company

A landlord permission statement is usually needed prior to opening a company in Slovenia. Every business has a business address. Do you want to register a limited liability company? You need to find premisses for a business address. The landlord certainly has to give you permission. However, we can offer you another option. Read more! If you want to [...]

regulated activities

Regulated activities – do you meet the conditions?

Regulated activities – what are those? For these activities company must meet some conditions. What are these conditions? Which are these activities? Want to open a company in Slovenia? Are you new in business? Or you are planning to expand your business? Then you are on right place! Do you want to know more? What documents you will need [...]
