Tag - business immigration to Slovenia

Investment into fixed assets of the company in Slovenia, EU

Investment into fixed assets of the company in Slovenia, EU

Have you been considering opening a business in Europe and are still choosing a destination? Consider Slovenia as your possible business destination. Having a company in Slovenia also gives you the possibility for business immigration. One of the possibilities for business immigration is investment to fixed assets of the company. Investment into fixed assets of the company in Slovenia, EU [...]

Relocating to Slovenia based on company establishment

Relocating to Slovenia based on company establishment

Are you considering opening a business to enter the European market? Would you also want to personally oversee the business by relocating to the location of your business? Consider opening a company in Slovenia, which gives you the opportunity for relocating here based on business establishment. Relocating to Slovenia based on company establishment – process of company registration Slovenia offers good [...]

Immigrating to Slovenia based on company establishment

Immigrating to Slovenia based on company establishment

Have you been considering relocating to Europe by establishing a company here? Consider Slovenia as one of your options of immigrating to Europe based on business establishment. Immigrating to Slovenia based on company establishment – why Slovenia? Even though Slovenia is small country, it is gaining recognition worldwide due to its good economic standing and stable environment. It is a member of [...]

Choosing Slovenia, EU for your business destination

Choosing Slovenia, EU for your business destination

Europe is always an interesting market for foreigners to invest to. Some of the entrepreneurs coming to Europe know only the bigger countries and plan to establish their business there. But most of those countries have a complicated procedure for foreigners to establish their business there. And in some countries, business conduct is made difficult by overwhelming bureaucracy. This [...]

Routes of business immigration to Slovenia, Europe

Routes of business immigration to Slovenia, EU

Did you plan to establish a company in Europe and would also want to relocate there to oversee your business? Establish a company in Slovenia, EU and discover the different routes of business immigration that the country offers. Routes of business immigration to Slovenia, EU – company formation in Slovenia If you have prepared a business idea that you want to [...]

Relocation to Slovenia based on company establishment

Relocation to Slovenia based on company establishment

Have you been exploring the possibility to open a company somewhere in the EU? Why not choose Slovenia as your business destination? In addition to offering good business climate it also offers the possibility for relocation to Slovenia based on business. Relocation to Slovenia based on company establishment – why should you choose Slovenia? There are many countries in Europe where [...]

Renting own real estate as a business activity in Slovenia

Renting own real estate as a business activity in Slovenia

Have you been considering purchasing real estate in Slovenia? If you establish a company and purchase it through the company, you can do business by renting own real estate for long-term or short-term. Renting own real estate in Slovenia through a company Most non-EU citizens cannot purchase real estate as natural persons. Also, when doing business activity of renting the real [...]

Option for business in Europe – consider Slovenia!

Option for business in Europe – consider Slovenia!

If you plan on establishing a company in Europe and start your business conduct here, consider Slovenia as an option for business growth or expansion. Option for business formation in Europe – why Slovenia is such a good choice Choosing a location for your business is one of the most important decisions the entrepreneur makes, in addition to choosing a business [...]

Immigrate to Slovenia by establishing a company

Immigrate to Slovenia by establishing a company

Have you had a business idea that you wanted to fulfill on the European market? In the process, would you also like to personally oversee the company’s business conduct? If yes, you can establish a company in Slovenia and immigrate here through business. Immigrate to Slovenia by establishing a company – conditions of business immigration Only establishing a company does not [...]

Options for business immigration to Slovenia, Europe

Options for business immigration to Slovenia, EU

Are you an entrepreneur who wants to start or expand the business to new countries? Do you plan on opening a company in Europe? In that case, Slovenia would be a good option to start your business. Having a company in Slovenia also gives you options to proceed with business immigration to oversee your company on-site. Options for business immigration [...]
