
Minimal salary in Slovenia and other EU countries

Minimal salary in Slovenia and other EU countries

Recently, we have written about the changes in the minimal wage in Slovenia. But we have received several inquiries as to how this salary compares to other EU countries. Therefore, to help you make the decision about starting your business in Slovenia easier, we have gathered the information in the summary table below. Minimal salary in Slovenia When opening a company [...]

Ideas for business activity in Slovenia, EU

Ideas for business activity in Slovenia, EU

Have you been considering opening a company in Europe and have come across the possibility to do so in Slovenia? Learn which ideas for business activity are most commonly chosen by foreigners who decide to start their business in Slovenia. Frequently chosen ideas for business activity of a company in Slovenia, EU While local citizens tend to choose a wide variety [...]

Entering the VAT system after company registration

Entering the VAT system after company registration

Most foreigners, who decide to open a company in Slovenia, also want to cooperate and offer their services in other EU countries. For that, their company would already have to be a part of the VAT system. Entrepreneurs often think that the company will be automatically registered within the VAT system but that is not the case. Company registration in [...]

Open a business in Slovenia, Europe

Open a business in Slovenia, Europe

Slovenia has become a very popular destination for entrepreneurs to expand their business to. Good knowledge of English language makes it easier to do business in Slovenia. It also offers a stable economic environment where your business has room to expand and grow. A good geographic location also gives you the possibility to offer your services in other EU [...]

Market for real estate in Slovenia in 2018

Market for real estate in Slovenia in 2018

Purchasing real estate in Slovenia has been a topical issue in the last years. The real estate market has been able recuperate and the prices are steadily rising. The Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia (GURS) each year issues the Report on the Slovenian real estate market, in which it combines detailed data on developments in the [...]

Pastry shop as a business activity in Slovenia, EU

Pastry shop as a business activity in Slovenia, EU

Different countries have different local cuisines and some are known for their baked goods. As a foreigner in Slovenia, you can introduce your country’s cuisine to the local population by opening a pastry shop in Slovenia. As the Slovenian market has become more multi-cultural over the years, traditional foreign cuisines are a hit when it comes to opening a [...]

Possibilities of business immigration to Slovenia, EU

Possibilities of business immigration to Slovenia, EU

Slovenia is a country in central Europe which has been becoming increasingly interesting for foreign investors. Many foreigners have decided to start a new business here or expand their existing business to Slovenian territory. Opening a company in Slovenia not only allows you to bring to life your business idea on the European market, but also presents possibilities for [...]

Online store in Slovenia - new regulations

Online store in Slovenia – new regulations

Did you know that that there is a ban on geographic blocking of online sales within the EU? There is a regulation within the EU regarding online sales. It prohibits discrimination of online sales on grounds of nationality, residence or seat of the company. Online store in Slovenia – contents of the new regulation When doing business in Slovenia and plan [...]

Steps to starting a business in Slovenia, EU

Steps to starting a business in Slovenia, EU

It is good to be organized when starting a business in a new company. This means that you prepare all the necessary documents before starting a company, if you plan on opening one in Slovenia. To make it easier to understand we are writing the basic steps to starting a business in Slovenia, EU. Steps to starting a business in [...]

Prices of real estate in Slovenia, EU

Prices of real estate in Slovenia, EU

Real estate business in Slovenia is currently one of the most lucrative businesses in Slovenia. At this point in time the demand is higher than the supply and therefore many new construction projects are developed. So, when the newly constructed buildings will be ready, investing in such real estate is a good opportunity to develop your business in Slovenia. [...]
