Work permit in EU

Choose Slovenia as your business destination in Europe

Choose Slovenia as your business destination

Are you considering establishing a company in Europe and did not yet decide on a destination? In that case maybe this article will help you to choose Slovenia as the place to start your business in Europe. Choose Slovenia as your business destination – good geographic position Slovenia is located in central Europe, next to Hungary, Croatia, Austria and Italy. It [...]

Investing in real estate in Slovenia as a business opportunity

Investing in real estate in Slovenia as a business opportunity

Due to Slovenia’s recognition in the last years, a lot of foreigners started to travel to Slovenia. Some of them fell in love with Slovenia and others saw it as a good business opportunity. This is one of the main reasons foreigners started investing in real estate in Slovenia. Investing in real estate in Slovenia – what are the options [...]

Foreigners in Slovenia - Hye Yeon Yoon, South Korea

Foreigners in Slovenia – Hye Yeon Yoon, South Korea

Foreigners in Slovenia – Hye Yeon Yoon is preparing to open a restaurant in Ljubljana called “The Shuim” Foreigners in Slovenia tend to decide on opening a company in Slovenia due to the growing recognition of the country. Because of that, foreigners and foreign legal entities can open a company at the Data VEM/SPOT point fast and free of charge. Hye [...]

Language school

Language school in Slovenia, EU as a business idea

Due to Slovenia’s size, learning to speak foreign languages is very important to residents of Slovenia. As Slovene language is only spoken by roughly 2 million people, most of them have to learn at least one foreign language to be competitive in the business market. Because of this, opening your own language school is a good business idea for [...]

Starting your own business in Slovenia, Europe

Starting your own business in Slovenia, EU

Do you have a dream of becoming an entrepreneur and starting your own business? In this article we are presenting Slovenia as one of the possibilities where you can make this dream a reality. Starting your own business in Slovenia, EU – why choose Slovenia? If you are thinking about starting your own business in Europe, you might want to consider [...]

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions before company registration

If you are planning to establish a company in Slovenia or expand your business to Slovenia, you have probably asked yourself many questions. In this article, we have gathered the 5 most frequently asked questions by foreigners, who are establishing a company in Slovenia. Frequently asked questions before company registration – how to deposit founding capital? When establishing a LTD company [...]

Shelf companies business in Slovenia

Shelf companies in Slovenia – open a new business instead!

For the past two weeks we have been writing a series of articles about the consequences of purchasing shelf companies in Slovenia. Today, we are concluding the series with the last article. It will cover the dangers of purchasing shelf companies and taking over the previous owner’s debt. Shelf companies in Slovenia – acquiring the previous owners’ debt When buying a [...]

Foreign entrepreneurs in Slovenia

Foreign entrepreneurs in Slovenia: Cristian Tomassini

Foreign entrepreneurs in Slovenia: Cristian Tomassini was a racecar driver in a “previous life”, while today he is a successful entrepreneur In this article we will present the experience of foreign entrepreneurs in Slovenia. In this article, we will present Cristian Tomassini, a citizen of San Mario who relocated his business to Slovenia. He is one of many foregin entrepreneurs [...]

Advantages of company establishment in Slovenia

Advantages of company establishment in Slovenia, EU

Are you considering starting or expanding your business to Europe and have not yet picked a country for your headquarters? If yes, you can read all about the advantages of company establishment in Slovenia, EU and choose Slovenia as your business destination. Advantages of company establishment in Slovenia, EU – part of European Union and Schengen zone Slovenia is located in [...]

Shelf company in Slovenia

Shelf company in Slovenia – why is it not advisable?

Last week, we have started a series of articles about buying a shelf company in Slovenia and its consequences. At that point, we focused on the hidden costs of buying a shelf company in Slovenia. This week, we have prepared an article about the obstacles you might encounter if you try to obtain a work and residence permit through [...]
