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Do I automatically obtain a single work and residence permit by opening a company in Slovenia?

Do I automatically obtain a single work and residence permit by opening a company in Slovenia?

Did you know that you do not automatically obtain a single work and residence permit by opening a company in Slovenia? Many foreigners think that by opening a private limited company (LTD) and depositing the founding capital in the amount of 7.500 EUR or buying an existing LTD they can obtain right to work in Slovenia and in the EU. [...]

Why are foreigners no longer willing to buy existing companies in Slovenia?

Why are foreigners no longer willing to buy existing companies in Slovenia?

Why are foreigners no longer willing to buy existing companies in Slovenia? Since the Law on labor and employment of foreigners has changed on 1.9.2015, foreigners, especially citizens of non-EU countries, are buying less and less existing companies in Slovenia. Up until February of 2015, you could obtain a work permit for citizens of non-EU countries based on ownership of a [...]

How to choose the right company-mediator in the process of business immigration to Slovenia?

How to choose the right company-mediator in the process of business immigration to Slovenia?

How to choose the right company-mediator in the process of business immigration to Slovenia? To what do you need to pay attention to when choosing a company-mediator? These issues concern every person who decided to expand his/her business or start a new business in Slovenia and obtain a residence permit for themselves and their family members. In the recent years, [...]

How much does an employee cost a company in Slovenia?

How much does an employee cost a company in Slovenia?

Are you wondering how much does an employee cost a company in Slovenia? If you want to open a company and conduct business in Slovenia, you will have to employ workers in your company. You can also employ an employee in your company in order to obtain a single work and residence permit in Slovenia in the process of [...]

Register a company in Slovenia in one day

Register a company in Slovenia in one day

Can you really register a company in Slovenia in one day? Yes, this is correct and you can register a company in Slovenia in one day. If you are planning to open or expand your business to the European Union, you can easily open a company in Slovenia. Registration of the company and opening a bank account for the [...]

Opening a recruitment agency in Slovenia

Opening a recruitment agency in Slovenia

Are you looking for an idea for business and thinking about opening a recruitment agency in Slovenia? You can expand, transfer or open your very own business in Europe by opening a company in Slovenia. Registration of a recruitment agency implies involved a license since the chosen business activity is part of the regulated business activities in Slovenia. Where to [...]

Renting yachts, boats and bicycles in Slovenia

Renting yachts, boats and bicycles in Slovenia

Renting yachts, boats and bicycles in Slovenia is a good business idea in a country with highly developed maritime tourism. Are you considering opening a business in Slovenia? Why not start with the renting of yachts, boats and bicycles. Business activity of renting yachts, boats and bicycles in Slovenia The business activity of renting yachts, boats and bicycles in Slovenia is [...]

Registration and business conduct of a translation agency in Slovenia

Registration and business conduct of a translation agency in Slovenia

What are the conditions to perform a registration and business conduct of a translation agency in Slovenia? If you are a translator, you already have a translation agency, or you simply want to start this type of business activity in Slovenia then this article will give you answers to your questions. Open a translation agency in Slovenia In order to perform [...]

Architecture, engineering and geodetics as a business activity of a company in Slovenia

Architecture, engineering and geodetics as a business activity of a company in Slovenia

It is a very popular trend to use architecture, engineering and geodetics as a business activity in Slovenia. Opening a company with these business activities in Slovenia opens a door to the entire European market. Architectural and engineering design include the preparation of architectural plans and related services for construction. In the qualifier of business activities in Slovenia there is [...]

Selling vehicles and spare parts for vehicles in Slovenia

Selling vehicles and spare parts for vehicles in Slovenia

Selling vehicles and spare parts for vehicles is quite a profitable and widespread practice. When it comes to passenger cars and motorcycles, one of the most popular items for import or export are vehicles and their spare parts. How to start a business in Slovenia for selling vehicles and spare parts for vehicles? In order to start a business in Slovenia [...]
