Author - Polona Gačnik

Packaging and the upcoming legislative changes!

Packaging and the upcoming legislative changes in Slovenia!

Under the packaging, we consider all products of any material used to contain, surround, or hold goods together. In particular, its purpose is to protect the goods in the event of delivery of a mild delivery from their manufacturer to the user or the consumer. The packaging on the market of the Republic of Slovenia must be in line [...]

Sickness benefit in Slovenia who is entitled, what is the amount

Sickness benefit in Slovenia: who is entitled, what is the amount?

Sickness benefit or its amount depends on the reason for the insured person’s absence from work. Due to the spread of the COVID-19 outbreak, the topic of the amount of compensation for sick leave is also very popular among amongst employers. How much (in percentage), to whom and when is the sickness benefit due? Are you interested to start a business [...]

Construction companies working in Germany and SOKA-BAU

Construction companies working in Germany and SOKA-BAU

Construction companies looking for work in Germany need to register at SOKA-BAU Fund. This needs to be done before starting the business activity.  Find out why the registration process is necessary, how it works and also what benefits it offers! If you have the education and knowledge in construction, you can open a construction company in Slovenia and post [...]

Jobs to be most searched for in 2021!

Jobs to be most searched for in 2021!

Jobs in some fields will remain unfilled in 2021. Despite the current situation, certain professions will not fill them in 2021! Engineers, programmers, accountaints and other shortage occupation will be searched in the future. If you have the education, knowledge and experience you can open an LTD company in Slovenia and work for more employers at the same time! Are [...]

Economy forecast in Slovenia - better than expected

Economy forecast in Slovenia – better than expected?

Economy forecast for Slovenia in 2020 according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is rosier than before! In 2021, the IMF predicts even growth, albeit smaller than before! Are you interested to start a business in Europe? You don’t know what is best for the success of your business? Apply for our free webinar on company registration and business immigration! Apply for webinar Call our [...]

Remuneration from employment relationships - find out more

Remuneration from employment relationships – find out more

Remuneration from employment is part of the Employment Relations Act (ZDR-1). Collective agreements determine some remunerations at the level of activities and also in acts with employers. For certain benefits, the ZDR-1 does not specify when, under what conditions, and also at what amounts the remuneration must be paid to employees. It rather refers to collective agreements. For example, [...]

Apartment rents in major global cities are crashing!

Apartment rents in major global cities are crashing!

Apartment rents in major global metropolises such as New York, London, San Francisco, and Sydney are crashing. Financiers see it as an effect of COVID and mass migration away from the cities! Are you interested to start a business in Europe? You don’t know what is best for the success of your business? Apply for our free webinar on company registration and business [...]

Transport license for your company in Slovenia - changes

Transport license for your company in Slovenia – changes

If your company performs the activity of international transportation with vehicles that weigh over 3.5 tones you need a transport license. Changes to the conditions for obtaining the international transport licence came into force on August 6 this year. Read this article to find out more. Are you interested to start a business in Europe? You don’t know what is best [...]

CEO of a company in Slovenia - find out more

CEO of a company in Slovenia – find out more

CEO of a company is in other words, director or legal representative of the company. Read this article and find out more on this topic. You will get additional information on who can be a director of a company, can there be more than just one as well as do they need to be employed within the company.   Are you [...]

IT service company in Slovenia - why and how to open one

IT service company in Slovenia – why and how to open one?

Computers are part of our everyday life. We need them for personal use or at work. This means, that all companies need great IT services. Do you have computer skills? Then you can start your business in Europe and open an IT service company in Slovenia. To register an LTD company in Slovenia you need share capital of 7500 [...]