Author - Polona Gačnik

LTD shareholders

LTD shareholders – who’s joining your business adventure?

LTD shareholders are people that own an LTD together. How many people can open a company? Can they be related? How much do they have to contribute? Do you even need additional shareholders or can you do it by yourself? If you are ready to start your business in Slovenia, you came to the right place. We will explain [...]

the main activity

The main activity of the company – how to choose it?

The main activity of a company in Slovenia The main activity of a company is a common dilemma of an entrepreneur preparing to open a company. The entrepreneur decides which and how many activities to enroll in when registering a company. At the time of registration, an entrepreneur can enter several activities as well as various activities. One of which [...]

Different types of companies

Different types of companies you can open in Slovenia

Different types of companies you can open in Slovenia are: LTD, s.p., branch and subsidiary. In this article we will explain the differences between them. What do you need to open each? What is the process? How long does it take? If you want to start a business in Slovenia you can also ask our business consultants for help. [...]

minimum level of education

Minimum level of education to start a business in Slovenia

Minimum level of education to start a business is not a precondition to start a business What is the minimum level of education to start a business? For which businesses it is a precondition? These are the two main questions we will try to answer in this article. In essence, you need minimum level of education to open craft activities from [...]

establishment of ltd

Establishment of Ltd in Slovenia – how to do it?

Establishment of Ltd in Slovenia – how to do it? Limited liability company (Ltd) and sole proprietorship (s.p.) are the most common forms of business companies in Slovenia. Do you know that you can open and register an Ltd company at our DATA point? We help entrepreneurs immigrate and register their businesses for more than 34 years. In essence, this [...]

landlord permission statement

Landlord permission statement for your company

A landlord permission statement is usually needed prior to opening a company in Slovenia. Every business has a business address. Do you want to register a limited liability company? You need to find premisses for a business address. The landlord certainly has to give you permission. However, we can offer you another option. Read more! If you want to [...]

Difference between LTD and SP

Difference between LTD and SP in Slovenia

Difference between LTD and SP in Slovenia is the first question our clients have. Limited Liability Company (LTD) and Sole Proprietorship (SP) are two most common types of company. However, which one is the right choice for you? What is the main difference between them? Find our more in this article. If you want to start business in Slovenia, [...]

regulated activities

Regulated activities – do you meet the conditions?

Regulated activities – what are those? For these activities company must meet some conditions. What are these conditions? Which are these activities? Want to open a company in Slovenia? Are you new in business? Or you are planning to expand your business? Then you are on right place! Do you want to know more? What documents you will need [...]

quickest way to register

Quickest way to register an Ltd and start your business?

Quickest way to register an Ltd and start your business? Are you an entrepreneur and you want to know what’s the quickest way to register an Ltd in Slovenia? Do you want to start your business immediately? You are in the right place. This article will explore the conditions to register a company in Slovenia. We will see what is [...]
