Trends for business immigration to Slovenia are increasing

Trends for business immigration to Slovenia are increasing

Europe is a popular destination for business expansion and Slovenia also has increasing trends of foreigners starting their business in Slovenia. In addition to company registration, many foreigners also decide to relocate to Slovenia for business purposes. This is either due to overseeing their own business or employment in another Slovenian company. The State Administration of Slovenia has put those trends into statistics for 11 months of 2019 – from January to November. They have included in their analysis the newly issue residence permits in Slovenia for both non-EU citizens as well as for EU citizens.

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Data d.o.o. has been supporting entrepreneurs in their business in Europe for nearly 30 years. We provide accounting services and legal consultation. We also strive to prepare articles that help foreign entrepreneurs to understand Slovenian business legislation.

The trends for issued residence permits in Slovenia for non-EU citizens are increasing

In 2018, there were 65211 residence permits issued for non-EU citizens. 9025 EU citizens have received their residence permits in 2018. Those include both temporary and permanent residence permits. But the trends in 2019 are increasing. The State administration has prepared an analysis of all issued residence permits between the months of January and November. Soon, we can also expect an analysis for the full 2019.

The State Administration has included in its analysis the statistics on all residence permits – meaning both for employment, family reunification and studying. Until the end of November 2019, they have issued 75114 residence permits for non-EU citizens and 7658 permits for EU citizens. While the number for EU citizens was less than in 2018, the trends for non-EU citizens are increasing.

From the 75114 non-EU permits, 5539 were issued for permanent residence permit, while 69575 received temporary residence permit. The majority of the recipients come from the ex-Yugoslavian countries:  Bosnia and Herzegovina (39942), followed by Serbians (12605), citizens of Kosovo (11004) and Northern Macedonia (5061).

For other non-EU countries, the trends are the following: the majority of residence permit were issued to Russian citizens (2079), followed by Ukrainians (1103), Chinese citizens (544), US citizens (259), Turkish citizens (246), Indians (210) and citizens of Kazakhstan (129).

Within the recipients of EU countries, the majority come from Croatia (2459), followed by Bulgarian citizens (1585) and Italians (892).

Initiate business immigration by registering a company in Slovenia

As the trends will keep on increasing in 2020, take advantage of the possibility to start business immigration to Slovenia. You can start your own company even as a non-EU citizen. The company type you can establish is LTD with 7500€ share capital. After the company fulfills the terms of active business conduct, you can apply for work and residence permit for yourself and also employ other non-EU staff who can help you to develop your business in a prosperous country with stable economic outturn.

For more information on company registration in Slovenia, EU, send us an e-mail to You can also contact us over the phone 00386 1 6006 270 or 00386 40 530 718 (Viber, WhatsApp). You can also follow us on Facebook.

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