Tag - timeline for company

Timing related to company registration in Slovenia

Timing related to company registration in Slovenia

When starting a business in Europe, one of the most important questions to answer is the timing. How much time does each process of company registration take when an entrepreneur engages in company registration in Slovenia? We will be addressing the timing in this article.Are you considering company registration in Slovenia? Call us for more information to +386 1 6006 [...]

How much time you do need for business immigration?

How much time you do need for business immigration?

Foreigners, who start their business in Slovenia, often also seek a possibility for business immigration to the country. Opening a company is the first step in business immigration but it is sometimes uncertain how much time you actually need to fulfill all the requirements. We will be explaining how much time each of the steps might take for a [...]

Estimate of timelines for establishing various company types

Estimate of timelines for establishing various company types

Foreigners have various options when it comes to company registration in Slovenia. Experienced entrepreneurs with existing companies abroad can start a business in Slovenia by opening a branch or a subsidiary in Slovenia. But even newcomers can establish a company in Slovenia, namely an LTD company where natural persons are shareholders. Each of these company types has a different [...]

Important timelines - company registration in Slovenia, EU

Important timelines – company registration in Slovenia, EU

Are you planning to start your business in Europe and have chosen Slovenia as the country where you would register a company? Each country has its specific rules and important timelines to follow for procedure before, during and after company registration. So, it vital to abide by those timelines to do business in Slovenia according to Slovenian legislation.Are you [...]

Opening a company in Slovenia, EU

Opening a company in Slovenia, EU

Have you been thinking about opening a company in Europe? If yes, Slovenia is a good choice to expand your business to. Below is a short guide on opening a company in Slovenia, with steps and timelines. Opening a company in Slovenia, EU – what kind of company can you open? If you are a non-EU citizen, you can open an [...]

Company registration in Slovenia

Company registration in Slovenia – timelines and procedures

If you are planning to start your business in Europe, consider opening a company in Slovenia. The processes are very straight-forward for foreigners as well. Below we are explaining the main aspects you have to consider when starting your new business in Slovenia. Company registration in Slovenia – needed documents A non-EU citizen can establish a LTD company (d.o.o. in Slovenian). [...]

Timeframe of company establishment in Slovenia, Europe

Timeframe of company establishment in Slovenia, Europe

The most frequently asked question we get from foreign entrepreneurs in Slovenia, is how long it takes to establish a company in Slovenia. We will assess the timeframe for each step of company establishment in Slovenia. Timeframe of company establishment in Slovenia – Slovenian tax number When establishing a LTD company, all shareholders need a Slovenian tax number. You can obtain [...]

Timeline of company establishment in Slovenia, EU

Timeline of company establishment in Slovenia, EU

One of the most frequently asked questions regarding company establishment in Slovenia is how much time it takes for a company to be established. The timeline depends on the chosen company type and we will present three of them in this article. Timeline of company establishment in Slovenia, EU – new LTD company Establishing a new LTD company as a natural [...]