Tag - single residence and work permit in Slovenia

Conduct your business in EU: Choose Slovenia!

Conduct your business in EU: Choose Slovenia!

Conduct your business in EU and be successful Conduct your business in EU because of many reasons. First of all, according to the (GPI) Slovenia is the 5th most safe country in the world. This is also very important information for those who do business in Europe. Secondly, Slovenia is one of the European countries with good economic indicators and economic growth. [...]

How to get a business address for your company

How to get a business address for your company

How to get a business address for your company in Slovenia How to get a business address for your company is a common question that many entrepreneurs ask themselves. It is usually the address where they want to receive mail and where they do business. What happens if the entrepreneur does not carry out his activity at this registered address, [...]

How to effectively start a construction company in Slovenia

How to effectively start a construction company in Slovenia

How to effectively start a construction company How to effectively start a construction company is a question that arises more often among many entrepreneurs. Construction is one of the most popular activities in Slovenia. This activity is a favorite activity of entrepreneurs. And is for those who decide to open companies in Slovenia. A construction company in Slovenia is also [...]

Brexit agreement, regulation of residence permits.

Brexit agreement, regulation of residence permits.

Brexit agreement, regulation of residence permits. Brexit agreement and regulation of home permits has changed. They expired on 12th of October 2021. For all people living in Slovenia who are not from EU and UK and family members are invalid. Anyway the Brexit contract require to request for a new biometric passing stay permit. In the same way, you request [...]

Electronic vignettes-Slovenia introduces as early as December

Electronic vignettes-Slovenia introduces as early as December

Electronic vignettes – Slovenia introduces them soon Electronic vignettes : Where is e – vignette mandatory ? Vignette for motorcycles and vehicles up to 3 . 5 t is mandatory in Slovenia . This refers to motorways and expressways. The e – vignette is a digital version of the vingnette. This version will replace the old in the form of [...]

Grow your business in Slovenia - Choice of company name

Grow your business in Slovenia – Choice of company name

Grow your business in Slovenia – Choice of company name Grow and start your business in Slovenia in few steps. The name of the company is certainly one of the first things that every entrepreneur thinks about.  Hence, when he decides to start his own business in Slovenia. The dilemma is always the same. What name will be impressive and [...]

When to retire - retirement in an unconventional way

When to retire – retirement in an unconventional way

When to retire – what options are available ? When to retire is a question that every individual asks himself in his mature years. However, some people ask themselves this question when choosing a profession. Certain professions benefit from the length of service and they can retire early. When to retire, however, also depends on how many children you have. [...]

LTD company in Slovenia - specifics of the company type

LTD company in Slovenia – specifics of the company type

LTD is an abbreviation of a private company limited by shares, sometimes also known as limited liability company. Entrepreneurs frequently choose this company type when starting a business in Slovenia. We will explain what the specifics of the LTD company are in Slovenia for entrepreneurs hoping to start their business in Europe.Data d.o.o. has been one of the leading [...]

Registering a company in Slovenia, EU

Registering a company in Slovenia, EU – steps and instructions

Registering a company in Slovenia, EU is much easier that you may think. Every foreigner can register LTD company in Slovenia within a few days. In this article we will explain the steps and give you instructions on registering a company in Slovenia, European Union. Registering a company in Slovenia, EU – required documentation to open LTD company Before registering a company [...]

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions before company registration

If you are planning to establish a company in Slovenia or expand your business to Slovenia, you have probably asked yourself many questions. In this article, we have gathered the 5 most frequently asked questions by foreigners, who are establishing a company in Slovenia. Frequently asked questions before company registration – how to deposit founding capital? When establishing a LTD company [...]