Tag - company registration

Forming a company in Slovenia, EU

Forming a company in Slovenia

Do you want to expand your business to Slovenia and Europe, but you do not know how to forming a company in Slovenia? Forming a company in Slovenia – various options When forming a company in Slovenia you have various options: If a natural person wants to establish a LTD company at the day of the registration person must provide to the referent following [...]

How to get a citizenship of Slovenia?

How to get a citizenship of Slovenia?

Application for citizenship of Slovenia can be submitted at the Administrative unit in Slovenia. When you submit the application, you have to pay also administrative tax. One of the options for obtaining citizenship of Slovenia is based on the naturalisation. Citizenship of Slovenia based on the naturalisation you can obtain if fullfilling certain conditions: You are over 18, when submitting the [...]

Work permit in Slovenia

Get a work permit in Slovenia before toughening of the law

From the 1st September 2015 on the law regarding a work permit and residence permit for non-EU citizens (foreigners) will be changed. Introduced changes will at one side simplify a process of obtaining a work permit and residence permit in Slovenia, while on the other side, conditions for obtaining of both permits is going to be tightened. Moreover, the new [...]

Business immigration services in Slovenia, EU

Business immigration services in Slovenia

Business immigration services Company Data offers a comprehensive support for foreign entrepreneurs who need business immigration services and who wish to open a representative office or a new company in Slovenia: registration of the company (LTD, SP, branch office) search for investment projects obtain a work permit need a translation of all necessary documents employment of staff Services of social adaptation in Slovenia This category includes a comprehensive [...]

Start a business in Europe

Start your business in Europe – choose Slovenia!

Start your business in Europe, Slovenia – one of the most beautiful and safest countries in central Europe. Slovenia has different natural resources, and it is famous for its clean air and water. Slovenia has many forests; more than 58% of the country is covered by forests. Slovenia is a country with a low crime rate and good conditions [...]

Registration of a company in Slovenia

Registration of a company in Slovenia

Have you been thinking about the registration of a company in Slovenia and do not know where to get all the necessary information? The procedure of registration of a company in Slovenia is with our help now simplier and easier than ever before. Registration of a company in Slovenia is free of charge! At our offices you can register a company within one hour. [...]

Buying a ready-made company in Slovenia

Buying a ready-made company in Slovenia. Yes or no?

Buying a ready-made company in Slovenia can be very dangerous! Caution – You can buy the debts of the previous owner. For many who take the decision to open his own company in Slovenia – Private Limited Company the fact of  necessary introduction of a minimum amount of founding capital appears to be an insurmountable obstacle. This is a prerequisite [...]

One stop shop

One stop shop

Service One stop shop allows you to register a company in Slovenia, change the company’s activity, company name or address of the company. Referent at One stop shop can help you to register a company completely free of charge. After the registration, you always have the possibility to make changes in the company with a help of our referent at [...]

Professional business consulting in Slovenia

Business consulting in Slovenia

Podjetje DATA vam nudi poslovno svetovanje v Sloveniji. Če torej razmišljate o poslovni imigraciji v Slovenijo ali imate vprašanja o registraciji podjetja in pogojih, ne veste, kje bi dobili potrebne informacije o ustanovitvi podjetja in davkih ali potrebujete odgovore na nekatera pravna vprašanja, preden se odločite za širite svoje poslovanje v drugo državo, je to pravi kraj za vas. Pri [...]

How to select a correct name for your company in Slovenia?

How to select a correct name for your company in Slovenia?

When you decide for business immigration and to open a company in Slovenia, you have to find a suitable name for your company. The name of a Slovenian company has to be in Slovenian language. The name may only have Slovenian letters, which are found in the Slovene alphabet. The name name for your company can be in foreign language The name of [...]
