Tag - company registration

A1 certificate for posted workers – terms and conditions

A1 certificate for posted workers – terms and conditions

When opening a company in Slovenia, many entrepreneurs also decide to do business in Europe. Some only have clients or suppliers in other EU states where they issue invoices to. For this kind of business, your Slovenian company has to enter into the VAT system and you do not need to obtain additional certificates. But if you plan to provide [...]

Atypical vat payer does your company have to register

Atypical VAT payer – does your company have to register?

If you are opening a company in Slovenia and plan to do business in Europe, your company might have to register as an atypical value added tax (VAT) payer. Doing business in Slovenia and entering the VAT system If you only plan on doing business in Slovenia and do not surpass the threshold of 50.000€ income in the last 12 months, [...]

Shareholder of a company in Slovenia – 5 important point

Shareholder of a company in Slovenia – 5 important points

Shareholder of a company in Slovenia is the person who owns the company. They can own parts of the company or the entire company and be 100% shareholder. We will be explaining the 5 important points you have to consider before becoming a shareholder in a company in Slovenia. Are you considering company registration in Slovenia? Call us for more information [...]

Consider opening a company in Slovenia, Europe

Consider opening a company in Slovenia, EU

Entering the European market is a popular idea amongst foreign entrepreneurs. But deciding on the location where you would start your business in Europe is one of the most important ones you would make. Consider opening a company in Slovenia, which is a central European country within the EU and Schengen zone and will enable you to expand your [...]

Short-term rent – idea for business in Slovenia, EU

Short-term rent – idea for business in Slovenia, EU

There has been serious growth in the real estate market in Slovenia. As the interest in Slovenia has grown, tourism is rising and also more people are relocating here due to optimal living conditions. Hence, more people are looking for short-term rent options. So, if you are planning to start your business in Europe, you can decide to open [...]

Economic indicators for business in Slovenia and Europe

Economic indicators for business in Slovenia and Europe

When doing business in Europe, the most decisive factor are always economic indicators and forecasts. In order to choose the most suitable country for your business, we are presenting the trends for Slovenia as well as addressing other countries in the EU. Economic indicators for business in Slovenia Within this article we will be presenting Slovenia in regards to economic trends [...]

Living in Slovenia through business immigration

Living in Slovenia through business immigration

We have previously presented Slovenia as a destination for business. There, we have explained all the positive aspects of doing business in Slovenia, popular business activities and economy in general. But foreign entrepreneurs frequently decide that in addition to opening a company in Slovenia, they also want to relocate here and oversee the business themselves on-site. Hence, it is [...]

Presenting Slovenia as a possible business destination

Presenting Slovenia as a possible business destination

Many non-EU foreigners are deciding to start or expand their business in Europe. The European Union is a popular business destination as it is a multi-cultural market with easy trading as it is borderless. But how to make a choice between 28 members states and choosing the one with most suitable business environment? We will be presenting Slovenia as [...]

Opening a subsidiary of your foreign company in Slovenia

Opening a subsidiary of your foreign company in Slovenia

Expanding your business in Europe is possible in many forms. Firstly, you need to make a choice of the country where you want to expand to. Slovenia has been a popular choice for foreigners in the past years who planned on starting or expanding a business to the European market. As a central European country and a member of [...]

Offering consultation through your company in Slovenia, EU

Offering consultation through your company in Slovenia, EU

Consultation is one of the broadest business activities you have register in Slovenia. Different skills and products require all types of consultation and you can use it to your advantage if you plan on having a business in Europe. Most consultation are very low-cost business activities where the most important business tool are your skills and experience. Are you considering [...]
