Tag - company registration in Slovenia

Webinar presentations on business in SloveniaEU apply now!

Webinar presentations on business in Slovenia/EU: apply now!

Even during a global pandemic, the interest to start or expand businesses has not decreased. Europe is one of the most popular destinations of foreign business people. And within EU, there are many countries to choose from to set up a business. In those countries, one has been gaining attention – Slovenia. Even though it is a small country, [...]

Selling real estate in SloveniaEU and tax obligations

Selling real estate in Slovenia/EU and tax obligations

In addition to the purchase price, selling real estate in Slovenia also brings tax liabilities to the seller. However, selling real estate does not always lead only to the obligation to pay real estate transfer tax. In certain cases, the sale of real estate also requires paying other taxes. What taxes are these and in which cases is the [...]

Tax declaration 2020 in SloveniaEU companies with normalized expenses

Tax declaration 2020 in Slovenia/EU: companies with normalized expenses

When is the tax declaration for 2020 due for the companies with normalized expenses in Slovenia? You would need to submit your tax declaration until 31st March 2021. How to submit a tax declaration for 2020 if your company uses normalized expenses? What are the novelties in this area? What is the amount of the penalty if you do [...]

Minimum salary in SloveniaEU - new amount

Minimum salary in Slovenia/EU – new amount

The minimum salary in Slovenia for the year 2021 was published on 28 January 2021 in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia no. 12/2021. What is the amount? What are the changes? Are you also interested to start a business in Europe? Also, do you know what is best for the success of your business? Apply now for our free webinar on business [...]

Internet presentation on various topics of business in SloveniaEU

Internet presentation on various topics of business in Slovenia/EU

In the past years, Slovenia has become very popular among foreigners when it comes to business setup and also moving here. It is becoming one of the most popular choices in Europe! Do you want to know why? Attend our internet presentation to find out! We carry out webinars on two different topics. First webinar is on company setup [...]

New construction in SloveniaEU in the year 2020

New construction in Slovenia/EU in the year 2020

What is happening with new construction in Slovenia, EU? In 2020, 6% fewer building permits were issued than in the previous year. What was 2020 like for new construction of houses and what for construction of apartments? Are you also interested to start a business in Europe? Also, do you know what is best for the success of your business? Apply now for [...]

Intrastat reporting which companies in Slovenia EU are obliged to report

Intrastat reporting: which companies in Slovenia/EU are obliged to report?

Intrastat reporting is an obligation of companies in Slovenia and the EU. It includes LTD companies and sole traders. When do you have to report to the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SURS) or the Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia (FURS)? What does this reporting cover? Are you also interested to start a business in Europe? Also, do [...]

Subsistence allowance in Slovenia and abroad in 2021

Subsistence allowance in Slovenia and abroad in 2021

Subsistence allowance abroad and in Slovenia – this is the average cost that employees have (with food and accommodation) on a business trip. The amount of the daily allowance depends on the country to which you travel, the duration of the trip and breakfast, if the trip includes an overnight stay. Will the subsistence allowance abroad be higher in [...]

EU Blue Card conditions for obtaining it and level of education

EU Blue Card: conditions for obtaining it and level of education

The EU Blue Card is a document with which a non-EU citizen is allowed to enter and reside in Slovenia. They can also carry out work due to highly qualified employment. What level of education does it require? What are the other conditions for such a work permit? Find out what the EU Blue Card offers and what you [...]

Temporary address registration in Slovenia obligations for foreigners

Temporary address registration in Slovenia: obligations for foreigners

The registration of temporary (or permanent) address is an alien’s obligation regulated by the Registration of Residence Act (UL RS, No. 52/16, hereinafter ZPPreb-1). A residence permit in Slovenia allows foreigners to enter and reside in the country. Depending on the type of issued permit, the foreigner is obliged to arrange a temporary address or a permanent address. Are you [...]
