Tag - business in Slovenia

Relocation to Slovenia based on company establishment

Relocation to Slovenia based on company establishment

Have you been exploring the possibility to open a company somewhere in the EU? Why not choose Slovenia as your business destination? In addition to offering good business climate it also offers the possibility for relocation to Slovenia based on business. Relocation to Slovenia based on company establishment – why should you choose Slovenia? There are many countries in Europe where [...]

Before opening a company in Slovenia – what to prepare?

Before opening a company in Slovenia – what to prepare?

If you have made the decision to open a company in Slovenia, EU, you will have to prepare certain documents in order to make the company registration. In this article we will be explaining what you have to prepare before you execute the company registration. Before establishing a company in Slovenia – Slovenian tax number One of the most important documents [...]

Establish an LTD company in Slovenia, EU

Establish an LTD company in Slovenia, EU

Do you have a good business idea that you want to fulfill in the European market? In that case, you can establish a company in Slovenia and bring this idea to life. Establish an LTD company in Slovenia, EU – why is Slovenia a good business location? Slovenia is a central European country located in the middle of everything important. It [...]

Renting own real estate as a business activity in Slovenia

Renting own real estate as a business activity in Slovenia

Have you been considering purchasing real estate in Slovenia? If you establish a company and purchase it through the company, you can do business by renting own real estate for long-term or short-term. Renting own real estate in Slovenia through a company Most non-EU citizens cannot purchase real estate as natural persons. Also, when doing business activity of renting the real [...]

Programming and IT services as a business in Slovenia, EU

Programming and IT services as a business in Slovenia, EU

If you have been handling developing computer programs and are good with IT consultation, consider opening your own company. That way you can offer your services of programming and other IT related services to clients and generate income from it. Programming and IT services – what business activity must you register? In this day and age, skilled IT staff is very [...]

Opening a company in Slovenia, EU

Opening a company in Slovenia, EU

Have you been thinking about opening a company in Europe? If yes, Slovenia is a good choice to expand your business to. Below is a short guide on opening a company in Slovenia, with steps and timelines. Opening a company in Slovenia, EU – what kind of company can you open? If you are a non-EU citizen, you can open an [...]

Option for business in Europe – consider Slovenia!

Option for business in Europe – consider Slovenia!

If you plan on establishing a company in Europe and start your business conduct here, consider Slovenia as an option for business growth or expansion. Option for business formation in Europe – why Slovenia is such a good choice Choosing a location for your business is one of the most important decisions the entrepreneur makes, in addition to choosing a business [...]

Limited company (LTD) in Slovenia, Europe

Limited company (LTD) in Slovenia, Europe

Are you planning on developing or expanding your business in Europe? Open a limited company in Slovenia and enter the European market fast and easy. Limited company in Slovenia, Europe – what kind of company is it? A limited company is a private company limited by shares. It requires founding capital in the minimal amount of 7.500€. It can have up [...]

Immigrate to Slovenia by establishing a company

Immigrate to Slovenia by establishing a company

Have you had a business idea that you wanted to fulfill on the European market? In the process, would you also like to personally oversee the company’s business conduct? If yes, you can establish a company in Slovenia and immigrate here through business. Immigrate to Slovenia by establishing a company – conditions of business immigration Only establishing a company does not [...]

Register a company in Slovenia, EU

Register a company in Slovenia, EU

Are you thinking to start your own business in Europe? If you are, then consider Slovenia as your business destination. You can register an LTD company in Slovenia fast and easy. Register a company in Slovenia, EU – needed documents A non-EU citizen can register an LTD company in Slovenia. It is a private company limited by shares. It requires at [...]
